Deep Down I'll Always Love The Kid. | Teen Ink

Deep Down I'll Always Love The Kid.

October 8, 2008
By Anonymous

We met in the fifth grade. We were just best friends when it all started, but then it turned into something more- for both of us. He grew out of it but i never did. I fell in love with this boy. I know they say that everyone eventually in childhood falls into puppy-love. I knew it was more than this. He was always so fun to be around, we could sit and play video games for hours. His little sister was so adorable and his little brother was just so cute. His mother and father welcomed me into their family like I was one of their kids. Our family's were very close, and our parents decided it was better that we didn't date until high school, so as to be sure that we were serious about it.

The summer before ninth grade, he moved to another state. I still see him, a lot actually. I've come to learn that i will always love him, no matter what. No matter how far apart we are, or how much we both change.

I've also learned that, I'll always love him like family more than anything else. He's always been there for me no matter what. He's seen me at my best, and at my very worst. We've fought and hurt each other. But more than anything, we've stayed bestfriends. Even if it's just as friends, I will always love the kid.

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