Social Network Privacy | Teen Ink

Social Network Privacy

January 6, 2014
By Niya_Marie BRONZE, Williamsport Pa, Pennsylvania
Niya_Marie BRONZE, Williamsport Pa, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Do we share too much information on social media. Yes, I do in fact think that we share too much. Everyone knows that being on social media can be fun, but at times it can be dangerous.

Sure its fun to be online and chat with your friends, but what happens when you talk to someone you don’t know.? Teens usually don’t worry about how old the person is. And the person who is talking to the teen lies about age, school, and where he/she lives. This can result to being stalked, kidnapped, and forced to do things so that you won’t get into trouble. Just think. Are the things that you put online appropriate, and if your mother or father see’s the status or photo would they disapprove. People don’t realize that social media is really dangerous. Some may argue and studies support the idea that social media can help build positive connections. This is correct but also wrong.Bullying is a major problem on social media. For kids who get bullied the ethical thing to do is to report and block that person. Many kids or teenagers use negative behavior online. while others are taking steps to help kids online.

Please make sure you have your privacy setting on and never talk to someone you don't know. Teenagers share too much on social media.

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