Blank Page | Teen Ink

Blank Page

February 14, 2014
By marshmallowheart27 SILVER, PORTLAND, Oregon
marshmallowheart27 SILVER, PORTLAND, Oregon
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Everyone is banging a girl and I'm banging a lamp named Henry"

A blank page. So taunting. You need to fill it up with words. Ok simple enough... Only not. There are over a million words in the English dictionary. Seems easy enough to pick a few out and put them on that taunting blank page. But those words have to mean something. Something to the writer. Something to the reader. Something to the world. Those words you choose have to change something. Create a memory. Teach something new. Words are just words unless you make them mean something. It's through those combinations of words that we can share a secret. Bond with a person. Change what the world sees. You could take three simple words and turn them into something beautiful. Clock, sparkle, change. By themselves they mean nothing. But rearrange those words and you can start to make something beautiful. Clock, sparkle, change. For me that is something that sparks an idea, an idea of the sparkling clock that brings about the changes within life. Hopefully there is at least one other person who can look at this simple arrangement and something will click in their mind. Go a step further and add onto those words giving them new meanings. Sparkle can become sparkling. Change can become changing. With just one simple letter clock becomes clocks. All of these changes produce a new visual. Clocks sparkling changing. Now add simplistic words that are taken for granted such as the, are, a, am, I. It creates a whole new story. Thought. Idea. As the Clocks are sparkling I am changing. I write this and some people will relate, They will feel connected. Just like that change has occurred. Add and add and add and keep adding until you know another word would just make the paper wrong. Impure. Take those three original words and create something beautiful. Fill up that once blank page with inspiration. Motivation. Comfort. Emotion. Bring each word to it's breaking point then push it more. Use those million words in the English Language to change something. Make someone smile. Make them cry. Make them just feel something. Because all we want, all we need to change, is to feel something. Guilt. Happiness. Anger. Fear. They all change something. They all change you.

The author's comments:
the beauty of words

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