don't worry about no girl or boy! | Teen Ink

don't worry about no girl or boy!

November 15, 2008
By Anonymous

Dont worry about no girl or boy,
not sue john sally or roy,
you need to worry about school thats not a maybe,
your only a teen you dont need no babies,
i know you like playing cards and spades,
you just need to keep your head up and get good grades,
im serious this applies to me too,
i aint walkin around my school talkin about this my boo,
teen is pre adult,
if you mess up your life will come to a halt,
get through school with your life filled with joy,
like i said dont worry about no girl or boy!

The author's comments:
I am an inspiring actor and singer very famous around where i am and want to be more known!! i like to write songs books and movies and thats what i do!!I belive you can be what you want to be if you tried without the accompany of a girl or a boy until you get your education and settle down!!

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