choir | Teen Ink


May 19, 2014
By Anonymous

Choir is a very delightful and educational. There are games are lots of fun such as, field trips, and concert, plus lock-ins. There is games we play that are very exciting. All the songs are very fun expectantly the spring concert because we do dance evolution.

During choir concerts we sing super cool songs and when we are at school we play games but, my favorite thing of all the field trips. All the field trips to Mountaisa , the mall, and NRH20.

When it’s your birthday we sing you the birthday song. Some more things we do are girls night out. We watch movies, eat candy, and be amusing time.

In the addition, the choir lock in have cake walks, drawling, and dance parties. You can get prizes like an i-phone. Like I said, you may love choir as much as I do. Choir can be fun and interesting.

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