Bristol Motor Speedway | Teen Ink

Bristol Motor Speedway

September 30, 2014
By Anonymous

Matt Borkholder and his son Braxton were driving somewhere talking about Nascar. Braxton told his dad that he wanted to go to Bristol Motor Speedway in Tennessee because it was his favorite track, it was 2012. A few weeks later Braxton’s mom told him that Braxton and his dad were going on a road trip to Tennessee but she didn’t tell Braxton where him and his dad were going to go in Tennessee.
It was a Friday it was after school and Braxton was waiting for his dad to get off of work. When his dad got off of work his dad came and got Braxton, Braxton threw his bag of clothes in the back of his dads truck and they were off to Tennessee. After a while Braxton and his dad passed the sign that said Welcome to Ohio then Braxton and his dad kept driving. Then Braxton and his dad stopped and ate at a restaurant the Braxton and his dad left and kept driving towards Kentucky. It was late at night when Braxton and his dad passed the sign that said welcome to Kentucky then Braxton and his dad stopped at a hotel called Days Inn. The very next morning, early in the morning on Saturday Braxton and his dad went to a gas station and got gas and they were off again, Braxton and his dad were almost to Tennessee.
It was about evening when Braxton and his dad got to Tennessee and they kept driving till they got a little closer to the track, they weren't that close, but Braxton and his dad were getting there. Then Braxton and his dad stopped and ate and checked into a hotel and waited till  Sunday because the race was on Sunday and the race started at 7:00 at night and Braxton and his dad started driving to the track. Then after driving for awhile Braxton and his dad got to the track and found a parking spot. Then Braxton and his dad got out of the truck and walked up to the thing where you let them check your tickets,then Braxton and his dad gave they’re tickets to the people who worked there and Braxton and his dad went and found their seats, then after they found their seats Braxton and his dad went and walked around. Then it got to the time for the race to start, Braxton and his dad went to their seats and sat down and waited for the race to start.
Then the race started and Braxton and his dad watched the race. The race was like 300 to 400 laps. Then after the race Braxton and his dad walked back to their truck and they left at like 1:00 in the morning and started driving home.

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