The Rest of Her Life She Could Not See | Teen Ink

The Rest of Her Life She Could Not See

October 22, 2014
By Dmonay BRONZE, Cypress, Texas
Dmonay BRONZE, Cypress, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If you can dream,you can do it"- Walt Disney

My name is Terri, I was only two years old when my father took my life away from me. Instead of telling you how he did it let me take you back to the day it happen. It was November 10, 2008 and mommy and daddy were fighting I don't know what they were fighting about but it didn't end so well. My mom call off their engagement, she took the ring off her finger and threw it at my dad. My dad was furious he told my mom that she shouldn't have done this and she will pay. He pick me up and said that he was taking me for some ice cream but my mom said "no, you’re not taking my daughter anywhere", but he didn't listen he took me and strap me in my car seat and drove off. I started to cry and my dad told me to shut up but i didn't listen I kept on crying. He stopped on a bridge and got out the car I watch him walk around the car then he stopped where I was at and he opens the car door. He unbuckled my car seat still leaving me in; he set me on the bridge. He started to dig in the back seat for something and when he finally found it, he pulled out a tire jack and tied it to my car seat. He set me on the edge of the bridge and told me he loves me and then push me off the bridge he watched me fall to my death, then he took off in his car and left without telling anybody what he had done to me. The next day my mom filed a missing child report for me and the police started working on my case. Later that day they found my body in a lake they pulled me out and called my mom say that were sorry to inform you that your daughter is not alive. They found my father later that day in California, they arrested him, he was in jail for seven month before he went to court where he was found guilty for my murder, and they sentence him to life in prison. I was glad that I got justice but I never thought that the guy I was supposed to trust with my life was going to end my life. My name is Terri, I was only two years old when my father took my life away from and can never forgive him for that.

                               Base on a true story

The author's comments:

This story  is about a little girl that I felt entitled to write a story about her.

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