Clothing's Impact on Your Life | Teen Ink

Clothing's Impact on Your Life

December 2, 2015
By Anonymous

Clothing plays a major role in the average teenager’s life. Whether its purpose is to help them fit in, express themselves, develop their own taste, or to allow them to look and feel the best for their high school homecoming or prom, clothing is a huge part of the modern day society. However, have you ever wondered how something as simple as a piece of material has evolved into such wonderful things? Over the years, the production of men’s and women’s clothing has developed into modern fashion. Without changes of the Renaissance and political and social movements of the past, a teenager may not have as many options when deciding how they want to represent themselves.

Imagine wearing a plain and boring prom dress to your very own prom. That sounds horrible! But without fashion influences from the Renaissance, that is what every girl would be wearing. The Renaissance influenced more creative fashion and more fitted clothing.  Designs began to become more complex and creative. Gemstones could now be sewn onto a garment and in an effort to have more fitted clothing, laces and corsets were used. Nowadays, certain designs and images on clothing can allow an individual to wear what they feel is fascinating and express themselves is numerous different ways.

Clothing continued to develop and evolve throughout the 19th and 20th century’s political and social movements. Some new clothing began to become more practical. People began to have the ability to wear more fitted clothing. This means men could now wear fitted suits without suspenders and women could wear more fitted dresses. In addition, flowy looks came about and allowed women to have another way to dress and express themselves.

Nowadays girls and boys have the ability to not feel that clothes only take the role as a decoration or disguise, but that they are an accurate representation of their personality or character. Although looking back to the past and through history may seem boring, the movements that happened back then play a massive role in our lives now. Clothing styles and trends are constantly changing and they wouldn’t be anywhere without the many steps and accomplishments of the past. So next time you are going shopping and see a cute top that you like, think back to the evolution that the article of clothing has gone through and be thankful!

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