City Life | Teen Ink

City Life

March 2, 2016
By 19al01 GOLD, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
19al01 GOLD, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Waking up and seeing the view of the city lights, is something I want to do someday.
I would love to live high up in a building in New York City when I am older. The advantages and views you will get when you live there. The view of the city lights and the Statue of Liberty. And the advantages are endless, there are so many choices where you can eat and so many things to do.

I would live in a apartment in a high level of a city building in the middle of New York City. I would have a great view of the city lights at night and the view of the Statue of Liberty in the distance of the skyline. There would be all my favorite places to eat around the apartment. Furthermore there also there would be lots of exciting things to do around the area. I could go shopping at the mall or I could go mini golfing. Also there are household stores all over the city just incase one utility breaks down. Not just the everything being close to me there are also some advantages.

There are many advantages of living in the city. A city has many jobs you can apply for such as food places or even little shops on the side of the street or you can work at construction also you can even start your own business. Furthermore, there are lots of views to see such as, skyscraping towers and the Statue of Liberty and much more. Also your distance from everything you need is in walking distance. I love walking rather than driving places something about the view of looking up and seeing the skyscraping buildings, also the little pizza shops on the side of the street, if I don’t want to walk I can just take to subway to the places I need to go. Besides the many jobs, views, and the distance from everything, there is meeting people I like to talk to people that I only see one time such as on a train or on a bus that way if I get into a awkward situation I don’t have to talk to them again. Unlike in school where you see the same people every day. Although of all these advantages there are some disadvantages too.

I would like to live in a city but like everything there are atrocious things too. In the city you have to worry about many things and one of those things are bombs and people that are a little wicked. We all hear about school shootings and mall shootings and they are becoming daily things now, they are in bigger states usually such as New York and California or even in other countries. Furthermore the noise would drive me insane, the honking of the horns and the traffic are some of these noises. Also these noises are all night long so I can’t get rid of them. Although I like meeting people the people will get annoying too. I will be trying to walk down the street and the street will be filled with people, If I am trying to take a subway and I have to stand because all the subway’s seats are taken, If I am trying to get food the lines are huge, all of these factors are in a large cities. Lastly there is the worry of being robbed. Being robbed seems like that would be the worst thing in the world. I would have just bought a new TV and someone breaks in and steals it, that would be dreadful.

I talked about where I want to live, the advantages and disadvantages of the place I want to live. I want to live in New York or a bigger city like LA. I hope you learned something about where I want to live. I told you where I want to live but, where do you want to live.

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