Cut It | Teen Ink

Cut It

March 16, 2016
By MeeksT BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
MeeksT BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a surgeon working in the operating room? Just imagine it, a dark room with one light looming over the patient, who has a drape over them only revealing the skin of the body part you're fixing. There’s sharp, pointy utensils sitting on a small table with wheels. There are other people there, they have on teal robes, with teal masks covering their mouths and noses, and teal caps hiding their hair. Although tha may seem cool to you, being a surgeon is something you have to work up to for many years. But you will get the job if you have the right education, motivation, skills, and you meet up to the expectations. It will also provide many benefits for you too.

Do You Have What It Takes to be A Surgeon?
The average surgeon works about 50-60 hours a week which is about almost 2-3 days a week in counting. You may also be called into work to fill in for someone or they need more surgeons in the operating room, which is something you must be ready for at all times. Surgeons have to live up to many expectations and need to have certain skills to fulfil their job. Also you have to be alert and strong at all costs no matter how disgusting the case may be. You have to have a strong stomach, careful hands, focus, pay attention to detail and be positive. (“Rasmussen College - Regionally Accredited College Online and on Campus”

Vroom Vroom! Off To School!
Now wait a minute! You can't just walk in and automatically get the job! You have to be educated on this first! Before applying to become a surgeon you have to at least have a bachelor’s degree, a doctorate degree, and post-doctoral training. There are many amazing schools that can help fulfil your dream in working in the operating room.   The top school is Duke University. But there are many other great schools like Stanford, University of Miami, Washington University, and University of Pittsburgh.(“American College of Surgeons”)

Yes, surgery is hard work. But let's not forget about the benefits that come along with it! One of the best benefits you have as a surgeon is the amount you get paid at the end of the year. Surgeons can earn up to about 370,000 a year. You also take on one of the most important roles in medicine! If that doesn’t make you feel good about yourself, what will? Something that’s also great about being a surgeon is that you don’t have to just be a surgeon, you can be other things to! For example, you could be a physical therapist, and know how to operate on someone. (“Everyday Life - Global Post”)

Always remember, education, having the skills, and thinking about the amazing benefits you will have becoming a surgeon. Make sure you consider those three things before applying for the job. Also make sure you have your time managed so you can pursue other things as well. Even though it may seem hard, it can be actually pretty fun and you may actually really like it!



Works Cited Page
“American College of Surgeons.” American College of Surgeons. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Mar. 2016.
“Everyday Life - Global Post.” Everyday Life - Global Post. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Mar. 2016.
“Rasmussen College - Regionally Accredited College Online and on Campus.” N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Mar. 2016.
“Work.” N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Mar. 2016.
---. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Mar. 2016.

The author's comments:

I like pandas, i'm very actice, and i want to be a surgeon when i get older

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