Minecraft World | Teen Ink

Minecraft World

April 27, 2016
By froylan BRONZE, Colorado Springs, Colorado
froylan BRONZE, Colorado Springs, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Every day I walk past a door, but one day I saw it was a bit cracked open so I  texted my friends  and we all decided to go in. Then the evil security guard tried to stop us but I jumped in I felt a hand and saw it was the security guard so I made him let go and went through a cube shaped portals and then I had flint and steel in my hands so I lit it and the portal activated. Soon I woke up and saw everything is all blocks then I saw animals that were in blocks I thought where I am then I remember I was playing a similar game last night then I knew I was playing Minecraft. So I went and started to punch a tree down I finally got the wood and my hands felt good they didn’t hurt at all so I turned the wood into planks and then turned them into a crafting table then placed it down and crafted a wooden pickaxe and a wooden sword. Then it turned to night and I knew I had to fight the mobs in order to survive in this world I then got hit by a zombie and lost two heart bars which made me very weak. Then a skeleton shot me and I lost so much health, and then I was at half a heart which with one more hit  would kill me so then I decided it’s time to stop playing and then I jumped off a block ad did a front flip and killed a creeper which is like a suicide bomber! Dodged 5 arrows and killed the skeleton who shot them at me then a zombie came at me and I cut its head off so then a skeleton dropped a bow with some arrows then I knew I could fight through the night and then after long hours the bright sun came out and all the mobs except the creepers but I shot them I knew I was just starting my adventure.

The author's comments:

i relly enjoy this game so i hope everyone else enjoys my story

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