The program that changed my life | Teen Ink

The program that changed my life

May 12, 2016
By clovejoy BRONZE, New York, New York
clovejoy BRONZE, New York, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I wake up with one thought on my mind, the fact that there's no school today. Already this day is splendid. It's a beauteous day outside. Warm but slightly cloudy, so it's not too sunny. I walk downstairs and I'm greeted by the smell of fresh bacon and homemade waffles. The aroma is almost overwhelming and I'm instantly in a better mood than I was before. I rush over to fill my plate, and while golfing down my breakfast I think about my plans for the day.
Thoughts swirl around in my mind. Thoughts like, do I have lacrosse today? With who? When? What's for lunch? Anything else planned? Are we giving anyone a ride? Can I hang out after? What time are we leaving? Once my dad strolls into the room, I start spitting out all my questions and he reluctantly answers one by one. The final report is that I have lacrosse around noon and afterwards there is a cook out for the two teams.
"And what's so neat about today is you are participating in a lacrosse program for Harlem. You’re helping fund their program and you guys are going to play with them. The goal is that you and the other team both learn from each other and make new friends. After, you and your teammates will attend the cook-out," my dad says. I quickly start to ask background information about the other team. My dad quickly responds, "Well, these two division 1 lacrosse players just got out of college and with fund raised money they started a lacrosse program for kids who live in Harlem.” He adds, “Basically, some of these kids come from rough places and tough families, so the goal of the program is to get them moving and take their mind off the everyday problems these kids face.” continues my dad. Turns out that these kids are accustomed to playing on minuscule racket ball courts (concrete) instead of the large fields we luckily have here in Larchmont. I think about how painful that must be every time you fall, probably like being trapped in blender filled with sandpaper. It’s such a great opportunity for those who are sadly less fortunate.
After about an hour more of relaxing around the house, it was time to leave for lacrosse. Once we got to the field, the kids were just starting to arrive. I feel the sun beaming down on my skin and start to smell the stench of hard work. The day is organized so that there will be a clinic for the first half and then games for the last half. Everyone starts gearing up and the ripping sound of velcro fills the area. Then we start to introduce ourselves to the other team.
Wow, these kids have to be the friendliest people I have ever played, I think to myself. The kids are so considerate and enthusiastic for the game. After playing with them for about half an hour I grasp how amazing they are. Each kid has passion for the game and has the best sportsmanship I have ever seen in my 7 years of playing lacrosse. We start to play and I start to like the program even more, which I didn’t even think was possible. They are always looking for another pass, never being selfish with the ball, they are always giving their 100% and never giving up, and on top of that they are always motivating their teammates and never shutting them down. I'm having such a great time and both teams really are benefiting from each other. Later the cookout starts, and everyone is laughing, talking and relishing one another's company. 
After all the games have ceased and lunch was over, the kids thanked every player and parent individually for letting them have the experience to play lacrosse and for a wonderful day. The other team is so grateful for everything they are given and are so polite. I am personally so inspired by what they have done and how big each and every one of their hearts are. We have them over for Larchmont to help teach them, but at the end of the day, they end up teaching me.
Since that day, every time I put my gear on, I am still truly inspired for what they had shown me. Because of them, I have become a better player and person.

The author's comments:

I wrote something that was very special to me and made me feel like I was doing an amazing thing.

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