Summer Nights | Teen Ink

Summer Nights MAG

By Anonymous

   The wind howls like a lost dog.

The moon shines bright.

It seems isolated in the sky

Brighter than all the other stars.

The moon reflects off the water like

Light through a prism.

Giving light for the night travelers to see by.

I love these nights.

On nights like these I like to reflect.

I reflect on what is,

What was, and what is to be.

Unfortunately, these nights are numbered.

These nights with the sounds of

Birds chirping and crickets chirping

Will be replaced with the sounds of

School bells and busy school halls.

School halls packed tight with eager students.

I have to make the best of these days.

I shall enjoy the scenic land for now

I will make the most of the roaming hills,

The bright red cranberry bogs, and the clear summer sky.

For now I shall enjoy these times,

These last few summer nights.

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This article has 1 comment.

i love this so much!