Climate Catch-22 | Teen Ink

Climate Catch-22 MAG

By Anonymous

   This year is the last that American industries will produce Chlorofluorocarbons, the compound that destroys the ozone. Found in things like refrigerators and insulation, Chlorofluor-ocarbons, or CFCs, is atmospheric chlorine, the ingredient that actually destroys the ozone. The production of CFCs has been reduced so the appearance in our atmosphere may fall this year, not rise.

Because ozone turns ultra-violet light into heat and then traps it, the increased temperatures will only magnify another serious problem - global warming.

Although HCFCs (hydrochlorofluorocarbons) are more ozone friendly, they are terrifying greenhouse gases, 10,000 times more potent than CO2. The increased presence of HCFCs in our atmosphere may favor our earth's ozone layer, but it is certainly making unfavorable contributions to the increase in temperatures planet-wide. HCFCs are to be discontinued by the year 2030, with the hope of replacing them with even more ozone friendly chlorine compounds known as hydrofluorocarbons.

I think that this would be a great idea. The ozone is a precious thing and shouldn't be destroyed. u

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i love this so much!