my little thoughts | Teen Ink

my little thoughts

November 28, 2016
By aguscerrutti BRONZE, Santa Cruz, California
aguscerrutti BRONZE, Santa Cruz, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

What i had written was a little chapbook that was first an assignment for my Writing and literature class. It is about my thoughts and memories from when i was an exchange student from Argentina in the United States.

Chapter 1: dedications

Being an exchange student in United States have definitely changed my way of seeing the world, so mostly every poem written in this chapbook reflects how i'm starting to feel here, and how it have changed me inside, hopefully for best.
Of course, I would like to thank my dear mother who has always stand by my side helping me with everything she could. Without her my life would be a little more complicated. She had taught me how to be a person with goals, a person who is able to fulfill their dreams because everything is possible if we aim it. She is an amazing woman with a great strength, so dear mother i look up on you and i adore you, thank you for making me the person i am today.

Chapter 2: sunny days

The sun rise,
the birds start to sing,
and I can hear them
calling me.
Should I go? don’t know;
Just focus on the sun.
Shining, and sharing his heat to everyone

Wish i could be like the sun
Maybe i will;
One day.

Chapter 3: Move on

Walk until you feel safe.
Feel the air touching your skin.
Soft and gentle touch
Be surrounded by people;
Choose good company
Someone that can guide you home
a place where you feel safe.

Make mistakes,
and learn from them.
Always make sure you learn from them.
And if you feel lost
walk, walk and walk
until your soul and mind
are tied together.

Until you feel safe again.

Chapter 4: standing here

Thinking about the beautiful things that surround me.

I feel small in this big world,
like a mouse caught in a bottle, i can see
the outside
but i can not escape,

i am trapped inside.

I deserve you, but still you don’t see me.
Why is that?
Did i do something wrong?
Who are you to judge my actions,
You are not better than me.

I deserve you, but still you don’t see me.

I can see you outside the glass and I'm waiting for you.

I deserve you.

Chapter 5: eyes closed

I can feel my eyes closing.
I can see a new dimension.
A place where I can dream and be free;
Horses running next to the ocean.

My wings are black but my soul is as white as a paper
How strange is this feeling, I wish you could feel it too,
I am floating in the air, moving myself with the wind.
Now all I see is the ceiling of my bedroom,
Now my eyes are open.

Chapter 6: adrenaline

 I can feel the rush of adrenaline when i run
The gentle touch of the wind
And the trees looking at me.
Green and brown landscape
The leaves and the roots on the ground seem to form a little path that guide me
And the constant tweet of the birds is like a melody
I can feel the soil trying to catch me, with his tender and soft hands
I feel free.

Is my way to get away from everything
Run, run ,run and run
Until you can’t breathe no more
Until you can’t feel your legs
Until your mind is clean

This is my way to break free
from bad and confusing decision,
This is the place where i can clean my mind,
I feel free.

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