Not My Brother | Teen Ink

Not My Brother MAG

By Anonymous

   It's been almost two years now. I remember the day like it was yesterday. She was such a sweet, old woman, my neighbor for all my life. I sold her Girl Scout Cookies as a little girl. And now this!! But I've come to terms with the fact.

At first I didn't think he did it, but he admitted it to the cops. He had to have been covering for someone. But deep down I knew the truth. I had read the articles in the paper a few weeks ago," ...assault and battery...two ribs broken...attempted murder..." Now, after Mom took him to the station, I sit and try to figure it out. My Davy!?! The one I grew up with?!?


"That's us. Do you think he'll be there or will we have to wait? ..."

"Take off your shoes and coat. Any jewelry on? ..."

"No, I don't know Kate."

A big room full of chairs. Men in dungarees and white shirts, some brand name, most the cheap kind. And then he comes through the big door we never get to go behind. He says it's okay. At least he's getting some education in here. He has friends and all. I run over to give him a hug, just like I do every time. n

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i love this so much!