We Need Immigration | Teen Ink

We Need Immigration

May 18, 2018
By Anonymous

I am a United States citizen, but my mom isn’t. My mom came to the United States of America with a visa but then it expired and now because of that she is now one of the people who many Americans want to go back to Mexico. My mom also went to college in Mexico to be an accountant but the degree she worked for is now useless. Because she isn't a citizen she can't get the job that she wanted and studied for four years. So now she has to work at a low paying job making just enough to take care of her three kids. She has lived here for more than eighteen years but she cant become a citizen. These are some of the struggles parents go through to try to have their kids have a good education and a good life. That's why I think that immigrant parents with kids born in the US should be citizens

Ever since my dad left my family my mom had to take care of me and my sister all by herself and after going to college and learning what she wanted to do she can’t get an accounting job because she Isn't a citizen. That's not the only things she struggles with. She and millions of others can’t vote or do tons of other things like get a driver's license. Then there are Americans complaining that we are taking their jobs, but we are just doing the jobs that Americans don’t want to do. And that’s not the only thing, a study in Yale shows that 44 out of 87 privately held companies that are valued at more than one billion dollars had at least one immigrant founder. And each of those companies has created about 760 jobs, and that’s just for one so the 44 out of the 87 companies has created about 33440 jobs out of just the 87. I also found on quora that there are about 6 million private companies so if all of them have over one billion dollars that means that illegal immigrants have created about 3,034,483 jobs.

And that’s not the only thing that immigrants help with, a report online shows ten ways immigrants help and grow the economy. In it it says that immigrants are 30% more likely to start a small business than citizens and 18% of all small businesses in the United States were made by immigrants. And those companies have employed an estimate of 4.7 million people which generate about 776 billion dollars annually in just 2007 just imagine how much that might have grown since then. Immigrants also increase the earning of American workers with more than a high school degrees. A study from the University of California at Davis says that “between 1990 and 2004, increased immigration was correlated with increasing earnings of Americans by 0.7 percent and is expected to contribute to an increase of 1.8 percent over the long-term.” immigrants also boost demand for companies as shown from The Immigration Policy Center it shows that with just the purchases of latinos and asians that are immigrants alone reach 1.5 trillion and 775 billion dollars in 2015.

If the American flag stands for freedom then how come most of us don’t have any or not as much as everyone else. Immigrants have way more to struggle than all of us here because of the limits we have on us, we have to follow all the rules other Americans have to follow but we don’t get the privileges that Americans get. My mom can’t get the job she went to college for, she can’t vote for the person that she thinks will make this country better. Americans want us to leave but they don’t understand how much we help them. If we all just get along there wouldn’t have to be separate countries or fear, but that just isn’t possible, but we can try to get close to it, why don’t we start here?

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