Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

April 4, 2019
By 9wesolowski GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
9wesolowski GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When I signed up to take Accounting 1 for my junior year at Arrowhead High School, I wasn’t expecting to look forward to that class. My friends who previously had Mr. Brester in class told me he is a humorous teacher who is as upbeat as a puppy with a brand new toy. But how can someone make accounting fun?

Mr. Brester makes one of the most boring classes at Arrowhead High School the most enjoyable. That is why I chose him for this award.

Mr. Brester might be a short, brown haired teacher, but some days I’m convinced he is internally a six-foot, macho man with muscles made of steel. Each time we have a test or quiz, he makes the code to receive online access to an assessment something humorous and abstract. The most memorable one was when a classmate of mine, Meredith, openly expressed her frustration to Mr. Brester (since her work wasn’t matching the answers). For the quiz that day, Mr. Brester announced at the front of his room that the password was “stayawayfrommeredith” as the class, including Meredith, burst out into laughter. Some people may think this is rude, but Mr. Brester creates families within each of his classes with his bubbly personality. Since he strictly teaches accounting classes, Mr. Brester forms close, unique bonds with his students as if he is our friend.

Not only do all of his students love him—I’ve never met someone who doesn’t like him—but the teachers he works alongside do as well. Other teachers occasionally pop into his room just to talk to him. Whether it is about basketball (he is also a girl’s basketball coach) or simply saying hi, Mr. Brester is known for cracking jokes and spreading happiness to everyone who steps foot in his classroom.

No matter what his students are working on, he always asks, “Who can I assist?” Mr. Brester shows care for his students by contacting them when they appear off or upset.

The week after my boyfriend broke up with me, I was clearly much less happy and outgoing, as I usually am in his class. Mr. Brester noticed and came up to my seat in class during that week to make sure I was okay. No other teachers saw I was having a rough week, but Mr. Brester did because he truly loves his students.

In my class this semester, there are four students —“The Four Stooges” as Mr. Brester calls them—in the back who do an independent study (also known as third year accounting). Not only does Mr. Brester have to teach and work with his College Accounting class, but has another set of students and curriculum that is focused on even more advanced and expansive accounting the same exact hour.

Throughout my schooling, I have had an abundance of outstanding teachers, but Mr. Brester is definitely my favorite! He provides a balance between schoolwork and having fun, and acts as more than a teacher but a friends as well. Thank you, Mr. Brester, for making me smile each and every day.

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