Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

November 18, 2019
By Anonymous

Coach Rob Mister 


Coach Mister is a crazy guy! He was my basketball coach from sixth to eight  grade when I played for Arrowhead Bsketball Club. He is an intense and hard working person that got the best out of me no matter what it took. He did not put up with mediocre effort, behavior, and attitude.

 Coach Mister is a master at getting out what he knows I’m are capable of doing as an athlete and as a person. He would push me mentally and physically harder than I have ever been pushed. He would say,  “Son, you’re not good enough” or “I can guarantee the other team is probably working harder than we are right now.” All this may sound horrible, but I’m beyond thankful for Coach Mister and how hard he pushed me. He would break me down during practices and I would be mentally drained, but then he would build me up again and make me a better person and athlete from that and continue to coach me and help me grow.

 Coach Mister wasn’t just a coach; he is a mentor and helped me mature into the young man I am today. He helped me own up to my mistakes, speaking up when talking to someone, film study, and most importantly leadership. 

 I remember going to coach Mister’s house and he would have pizza ready and would teach me how to properly watch film of my opponent and of myself. He would make me bring a notebook and pencil to write down notes and he would be talking me through every play. He said, “If you want to be good and win games it starts here.” Having that mentality at such a young age truly helped me get where I am today.  

I believe that getting coached by Rob Mister he has helped me reach my goals of playing in college.  He drilled into my brain that success doesn’t happen overnight and it takes hard work and dedication. If I want to succeed in life and reach my goals I need to work for it. Outside of sports too, he taught me that nothing is given to you and I need to work my butt off to get what I want. Everything starts with putting the work in every single day. 

I just wanted to say thank you for shaping me into the hard working, dedicated, and leader that I am today. You had a huge impact on my life ever since 6th grade and I’m blessed to have had you as a coach and mentor. 

The author's comments:

When I was thinking about writting a piece about someone that made a lasting impact on me in my life I immeditely thought of Rob Mister. He was my coach from 6th-8th grade and now coaches my little brother and I hope he makes the same impact on him as he did for me. 

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