Swim Coach and Life Coach | Teen Ink

Swim Coach and Life Coach

December 15, 2009
By laurenhundley BRONZE, Cleburne, Texas
laurenhundley BRONZE, Cleburne, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Although I’ve had many educators that have taught me many things, the one that has stuck out the most is my swim coach, Jim Abt. I have been on the swim team for all four years of high school and throughout each year, he teaches us all how to be better people and to achieve our full potential.

He’s not the kind of coach that just sits there and tells us what to do, but he actually sets an example for each of us and you can tell that he really does care for you. I feel that I could go to Jim about anything and wouldn’t judge me and he would be able to give wonderful advice that I would take to heart. One great example of how he takes time out to listen to what is bothering you is when my parents were going through a divorce. One day during practice I couldn’t get the situation off my mind and Jim knew that something was wrong. He took me out of the pool and asked what was on my mind and he listened to everything I had to say and I was completely comfortable just letting it all out. He gave me advice that has really helped get me through the tough times and he continues to make sure that I’m okay.

I know that I’m not the only one who thinks Jim is an excellent coach. The whole team admires Jim and many others in our community look up to him as well. Something Jim always does, and what he motivates us to do is to bring joy everywhere you go. There is no question that he has taught me the most, whether its in swimming or life in general, and he has been an awesome coach and mentor.

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