educator of the year | Teen Ink

educator of the year

April 26, 2010
By elena rosas BRONZE, Prosser, Washington
elena rosas BRONZE, Prosser, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Educator Of The Year

By: Elena Rosas
During all my years of school I have had the best teachers. When I started high school I didn’t start off right, I failed two classes and my attitude wasn’t the best. By my junior year most of that had changed, except for my math grades which were always low. I only cared to pass math classes not to comprehend the material. This changed my junior year when I had Mr.Hattemer for geometry.

Mr.Hattemer did what he thought was the best for his students to understand geometry. He came in before school so students could make up tests or ask about the homework and same during lunch and after school. I would mostly go to his class after school, if he had not been there after class I am not sure I would have done so well. It took commitment from his part to stay in school longer just to help one or two students .not always would we talk just about math. We would talk about like where we go for summer what we want to do. He would talk about going to college would make my life easier. Now as a senior in high school I am going to college to get my bachelors degree in criminal justice.

A teacher that definitely is recognized is Mr.Hattemer, he pushed me and knew I would understand what I was doing; he changed my mind about going to college and pursuing a career.

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