Teacher of the Year | Teen Ink

Teacher of the Year

October 25, 2013
By Christina26 BRONZE, Lapine, Alabama
Christina26 BRONZE, Lapine, Alabama
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Ms. Rebecca Sims has her own way of teaching students. She knows when to play around and when to get serious. She is very determined about pushing students to their best.

The style of her aching is strict. Once she starts talking and teaching she doesn't stop. If a student is not paying attention then he/she is out of luck, because Ms. Sims does crack up sometimes once the work is done.

Ms. Sims is involved in the school by being a senior sponsor. She helps the seniors get clothes, take them on trips to colleges, and more. Sims cares a lot about her students. She wants them to achieve their goals.

Rebecca Sims puts her time and effort into Highland Home School. She gets juniors and seniors ready for the college life. In the classroom, Ms. Sims gets her students ready for college assignments and essays once he/she goes to college. She does a lot for Highland Home's juniors and seniors.

The reason I nominated Ms. Sims for the 'Teacher of the Year' award is because she tries her best to give her students the opportunity to make something of his/her life. She is a great teacher and pushing students to become their very best.

You made some very excellent points. Your essay was very interesting. -Haley Alexis
No mistakes. Really good essay. -Justin

It was very good. No mistakes. -Takia

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