My favorite teacher | Teen Ink

My favorite teacher

January 8, 2015
By KatieGi BRONZE, Coconut Creek, Florida
KatieGi BRONZE, Coconut Creek, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Most people would define a good teacher as someone who makes their students reach their fullest potential. I think that is true but I also believe that a good teacher should care about their students. The teacher shouldn’t just make them want to excel in the class, but makes the students look forward to going to that class. I think a good teacher is all that but they should also be there to support their students.

I have a teacher like that. She is my math teacher and her name is Ms. Bourne. In 6th grade, I failed almost all of my classes because I had to focus on math so much. I switched from  to Ms. Bourne for math in 7th grade and I am now passing and doing very well. She has made such a huge impact in my life. She is constantly supporting me and is always there for me. She has made me realize that even though you may not be passing the class, you have to work that much harder to pass. Her classroom atmosphere is very comforting and really lets you focus on your work. Looking back, I can see such a big improvement in my grades.

After years of having trouble with math, I finally feel like I got it! I’m so happy and proud of the work I have been doing. It makes me smile to see such an increase in my grades. Ms. Bourne has truly opened my eyes and is someone I hope to be like one day. She can keep the class under control, yet fun at the same time. She has also made me appreciate the little things in life as well as being proud of the work I complete even if it isn’t what I was hoping it would be.  She is always there for her students whether it is academic or personal. Ms. Bourne makes me eager to learn new material. I always look forward to her class. She has such an amazing personality that is hard not to love. I think it is important to be learning in your classes but they shouldn’t be boring all the time.

Throughout these past few years, she has turned into a role model for me. I think everyone should have a teacher like her. I wrote this because I think Ms. Bourne should be recognized not only for her teaching but also because she made a huge difference in my life and she could do the same for you. She has taught me never to give up and you can do anything if you put your mind to it. These skills will continue to affect me throughout highschool and college.

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