The Best teacher! | Teen Ink

The Best teacher!

January 9, 2015
By SabrinaRez BRONZE, Boca Raton, Florida
SabrinaRez BRONZE, Boca Raton, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I had never been successful in math or liked the subject for that matter. But, that all changed the day I met Mrs.Bourne.It was the first week of school and I was most nervous for math. I walked in and Mrs. Bourne greeted the students and I with smiles unlike most of my teachers. In that moment I knew that Mrs.Bourne would be the greatest teacher I will have.  She is caring, and makes students feel like they belong.

I say that Mrs Bourne is caring because she really cares about how us as students grasp the topic. If we don't comprehend a topic Mrs.Bourne will stay on that topic until each and every student understands.She is willing to give time out of her day to give students extra help.  Another way Mrs.Bourne is caring is because she will place you next to someone that you can work well with.She cares how you perform in her class. For example, If you do bad on a test you have to opportunity to make it up and if you do bad on a quiz you can do corrections.Some teachers don't allow retakes or corrections but that shows that Mrs.Bourne is willing to give second chances and that she cares about the grade you receive. 

Also, Mrs.Bourne makes students feel like they belong. I say this because everyday you walk into the classroom you are greeted with smiles from Mrs. Bourne. This makes the students feel welcome and start their day in math with a smile on their faces.Another way she makes students feel like they belong is If you have your hand up, she will never fail to answer your questions. Some students feel embarrassed to ask questions because if the question is an unintelligent question the teacher would call you out and embarrass you in front of the class. But, when she answers questions she will never make you feel like you are wrong or asking an unintelligent question.

In conclusion, I had never thought that I would choose a middle school teacher to be nominated for the Educator of the Year award but, Mrs.Bourne changed my perspective on math. She made me feel like I belonged and showed me that she really cares. And for this reason, I believe Mrs.Bourne deserves this award.

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