Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

March 16, 2015
By AYoung BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
AYoung BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

School tends to be a pain or just not fun for me and probably for many others as well. I’ve had a hand full  of classes that I’ve enjoyed including:  autos, woods, and ceramics. But if I had to choose a teacher that has made an impact on me, it would have to be Mr. Johnson.  He is a laid back teacher who is caring and encouraging. He does not pressure students and engages them to want to work and complete art projects.  

Mr. Johnson has not only helped me in my art classes, but also with my auto related issues.  I have taken advantage of the many opportunities Arrowhead has to offer.  I have brought my Jeep parts into Jewelry class to use the torches and to repair and bring my Jeep back to life.  Mr. Johnson has helped me with this outside project too.

What I like most about Mr. Johnson is that he’ll throw out some of the funniest ideas.  An example of one of his funny ideas is when he talked about putting a spark plug in my exhaust to shoot flames out when I rev the engine.  This comment made me laugh and when he gets started on a story there is no stopping him.  I thank Mr. Johnson for making such a positive impact on my overall education and for this reason, I would like to nominate him for Teacher of the Year.

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