Educator of The Year | Teen Ink

Educator of The Year

March 16, 2015
By Sarah2567 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
Sarah2567 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When I was signing up for my freshman courses, my friend suggested I take the accounting class. She said the teacher was one of her favorites and since I was good at math, I would probably enjoy it. I decided to take it just to get it out of the way and get an elective credit.
I walked into the room on the first day and I sat in the very front corner.
“You’re going to sit in the corner secluded from everyone else?”
I looked up to see Mr. Brester (or just Brester as the kids call him) standing, smirking in front of me. I could already tell we were going to get along great.
Mr. Brester teaches the accounting classes at Arrowhead. I have been in his class every semester of each year. As a junior, I am currently in his college accounting class. Every day, I can’t wait to get to my favorite class with my favorite teacher.
Mr. Brester has a way of making everything he teaches interesting. Even when he knows the things aren’t exciting, he does his best to keep us engaged and learning. I can tell he cares about his students by the way he constantly walks around the classroom asking students if they need help or if they have a question. He wants to be involved and he shows this when before class every day, he starts by having a conversation with the class about their day or their weekend.
There are plenty of words I could use to describe Mr. Brester, but I think the best ones are sarcastic (he’s always up for a joke to make me laugh), intelligent (he knows what he’s talking about, whenever you ask a question he answers in the most understanding and intelligent way), and caring (he wants you to do well and he cares for all of his students on a personal level). He is always willing to help you if you don’t understand. He’s like the perfect combination of salty and sweet.
Mr. Brester knows how to keep his class fun while still keeping kids on track. Every Wednesday, he pulls up the camel hump day commercial and plays it, making everyone laugh. This takes stress off of the rest of the school day. On Fridays, he plays Rebecca Black’s song “Friday.” The kids sing along and laugh before we got down to learning.
Brester has this way of making everything he does fun. Even when asking to go to the bathroom, he won’t let you go unless you say “Mr.Brester, sir, may I please use the restroom?” Most kids put up a fight until they get so irritated that they just give in.
Mr. Brester goes above and beyond the expectations of a normal teacher. At school, the accounting programs actually only go until college accounting. Brester goes above this standard and takes the time to have another class after this called independent study accounting where seniors are allowed to have extra accounting to prepare for college. Before his class I have no idea what I wanted to be. People would ask me and I would just laugh and say I have no idea. But Brester has helped me decide I want to go into the accounting field. No other teacher has kept me so intrigued in a subject.
Mr. Brester is an inspiring teacher, parent, and friend. He has kept me motivated and influenced my career choice. He is always there to help students and cheer them up when he can tell they need it. He is sarcastic, intelligent, and caring. Mr. Brester is, and always will be, my favorite teacher.

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