Daneric Johnson | Teen Ink

Daneric Johnson

April 21, 2015
By emily bocanegra BRONZE, Houston, Texas
emily bocanegra BRONZE, Houston, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My educator of  choice would be Daneric Johnson. I choose him because as he show how outgoing and understandable. As he work with very profession speak to us. Mr.Johnson the subject he like to teach is two of them, but mostly the one is english 1. As he teach English 1, he just don't teach it as his lesson goes on he show very hard work. Mr. Johnson is a teacher at Mac 9. He is a Basketball coach too. He is a awesome Teacher, and he also teach jourslimse. That the class i have him for. Throughout the day  goes  with work and more work he keep his patient very to himself. He loves when we challenges him for many different lesson we have in class. The main reason i choose him is because he support and care about how we are young and have a  be life ahead of us. He believe in us and also he want us to have a career that fix us best. The best thing that i like about he is that he will not make us do something that we don't want to do. As he see us as his student we a lot of hard worker, he will believe in us in any bad or good problem he support me and other.

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