Mr. Palmer for Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Mr. Palmer for Educator of the Year

December 15, 2015
By fire_star BRONZE, Harlan, Kentucky
fire_star BRONZE, Harlan, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Imagine a teacher you can easily learn from and have fun at the same time. Mr. Palmer is the best educator of the year. Mr. Palmer is the best educator of the year because he explains the content the best out of all the teachers, I can always remember very easily what he teaches me, and Mr. Palmer never has a negative attitude during or about teaching.
Mr. Palmer explains the best out of all the teachers. For example, in Mr. Palmer’s class he went over a PowerPoint about ace format. He did this through visual examples, and practice texts/problems. He made us try a variety of texts and passages to develop our skill at using ACE format. Also he used pictures to make us learn about ACE format. Mr. Palmer is the best at explaining curricula.
I can also, easily remember what Mr. Palmer teaches me. For example we learned about raft and he used a visual picture of a raft to help us remember it easier, and he used texts using raft to show us how it works so we could remember it later when we would need to. The picture of the raft is used to make us remember raft format every time we see one. Also, the practice makes us remember how to do raft format correctly every time. This is why I can always remember what Mr. Palmer teaches me.
Finally Mr. Palmer always has a positive attitude no matter what happens. For example when anyone forgets an English paper he wouldn’t act out of rage. Acting out of rage means that he would be mad but he never does that. All he did was encourage them to do better and get it done. This is how I know he is always very positive about his work.
You now can imagine a teacher that you can easily learn from and have fun with. Mr. Palmer is and will always be the best educator of the year. He is the best educator because he explains curricula the best, I can always remember what he teaches me, and finally he never has a negative attitude about or during teaching. This is why he deserves the teacher of the year reward.

The author's comments:

I was inspired by Mr. Palmer my english teacher to do better at writing, and so I took it up a level to write this.

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