EOY Nomination | Teen Ink

EOY Nomination

April 21, 2016
By Anonymous

EOY Essay
Mr. Walker Has been a good supporter of me by being a great helper, very supportive, and making the class fun to be in. He is a good supporter of me; he let me several times take quizzes at different periods, offered for me to come to his class during study hall for extra help, and makes the class very active.

Mr. Walker has been very supportive to not only me but the whole class by letting people make up tests and quizzes whenever they think they are ready to make up the test or quiz. During the weekends on his time he allows people to meet him at a coffee shop to study for a few hours before a test or sometimes even a quiz. Also he makes everyone participate in the class and makes sure everyone knows what he is teaching. He does this by always asking the students if they are sure they understand before he moves to the next topic.

Mr. Walker is not only supportive but he is also very helpful by asking cadets who he think is struggling and he has a website where he puts everything he taught in class that day just in case if someone was absent or needed to look back at what was taught that day. He also allows you to come to him during study hall and talk privately if you need it.

Not only is Mr. Walker supportive, and helpful but he also makes learning fun and easy. He makes things fun and easy by giving us informational and interesting videos to watch, we do fun projects in class like debates, posters, and slide shows. Another reason why his class is so fun is because he is interactive with the class and makes the class laugh but stays on track. He makes us laugh by getting us to interact with each other by having fun arguments with one another. 

Those are the reasons why I chose Mr. Walker as my educator of the year; he is very helpful and supportive to all his students, works hard along with his students and does lots of fun interesting prezies. Not only was he very supportive of me but he also had a positive attitude towards our learning skills, and a positive attitude towards teaching.

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