Mrs. Persinger | Teen Ink

Mrs. Persinger

January 13, 2017
By SiaraH BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
SiaraH BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My 8th grade English teacher, Mrs. Persinger, currently works at All Saints Catholic School. Mrs. Persinger is by far the best teacher I’ve had throughout all my years in learning. I nominate Mrs. Persinger as Educator of the Year, and I am very surprised that she hasn't already won! This teacher has so many great qualities; they are countless.

For starters, Mrs. Persinger is always available for help, whether it’s bringing grades up to helping deal with personal problems. This teacher always makes time to assist a student in need. She will politely explain things that you are confused about to lead you in the right direction as well. Mrs. Persinger prepares you for challenging things that may come in the future as you move on into high school.

Mrs. Persinger is also very dedicated when it comes to her work. Not only does she work very hard in school, but she also stays after school everyday to help struggling students. If a student didn’t do so well in a class and needed help before the next year, Mrs. Persinger would ask them if they wanted to meet up in the summertime for help; this was at her own leisure. Furthermore, she was always there for her students emotionally and academically.

Not only was this teacher a kind hearted person, but she was humorous. Mrs. Persinger was always in a good mood and very outgoing with the class. Whenever someone was in a tough situation or just in a stressful mood, she never failed to put a smile on your face. This woman could  lighten up your day with just a few words; I loved how she always joked around. Mrs. Persinger was not only our teacher; she was our friend. I miss having that one teacher where you just couldn't wait to go to the class. Mrs. Persinger was a pleasure to have in class.

In conclusion, I strongly recommend Mrs. Persinger for Educator of the Year. Anyone that knows her would definitely agree. Mrs. Persinger gave all of her time and effort to her students year after year. She clearly cares for her students and loves her job. This kind and dedicated teacher  should be considered for the Educator of the Year award. For a teacher to have such great qualities, I’m surprised that she hasn’t won this prestigious award already.

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