Profem Magnífica | Teen Ink

Profem Magnífica

March 4, 2018
By Anonymous

At Mt. Carmel High School, one teacher in particular has had a great impact on my high school experience and personal development. Rebecca Dow, more commonly referred to as Profe Dow, is an incredible educator that deserves recognition for her meaningful teaching style that goes beyond the curriculum. Profe Dow teaches Spanish levels 1 through 8 at my school, but my experience with her was in my Spanish 7 class during my Junior year. When I entered her class, I believed I was prepared due to my previous Spanish classes. Profe Dow surprised us all because she began the class with review that was common throughout all classes, however before long we were reading a story in Spanish that contained many unfamiliar words as well as grammatical uses that we had not yet been exposed to. This presented my classmates and I with a challenge we felt unequipped for, however Profe Dow proved us wrong. All along the way she encouraged us and provided activities that made the comprehension of the story seem palatable. In addition to lessons such as these, Profe Dow is extremely personable and comforting. At different times, everyone goes through a period in which the pressures of high school feel overwhelming and never ending. During these times, Profe Dow is very understanding and flexible with her class, so as to prevent any unnecessary stress, without letting anybody simply get away with anything. Finally, Profe Dow connects Spanish with real life. All other language classes I have taken have taught me grammar and vocabulary, but Profe Dow’s class taught me useful life lessons that I can utilize in areas of life other than Spanish. Because of her teachings that go above and beyond what is required and expected, Profe Dow has greatly impacted my life, alongside hundreds of other students, and she deserves recognition for the unique relationship she has built with each and every student.

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