Welcome Home | Teen Ink

Welcome Home

May 2, 2019
By LaxSherm BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
LaxSherm BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Vietnam War veteran,

In America, everyone wants to be acknowledged for what they have done. Some people don't deserve it, but one of the people that deserve it the most would be you, you had to go through everyone, and you still came out on top. That is why it was so disturbing that the people that you went to war for could not even say welcome home. The two words that can mean so much to a person; “welcome home,” is a sign that people are thankful for what you have done. People should always be saying welcome home because you gave up your teen years before you went to college, so you were able to fight for a young boy, like me, who is forever looking up to you. It is an honor for me to tell you welcome home. I wish I could welcome you home in person.

My name is Kavan; I am a junior. I am close to the age when you were drafted into the war. I could never see myself in line with other people lining up to fight for my country; it must have taken an enormous amount of courage, and I feel that I do not have that amount yet. That is why the strength, courage, intelligence, and your sense of adventure to fight for what you know is right inspire me. The reason that I believe that I am not mature enough is because when I was in eighth grade, we went to all the memorials and when we walked through the memorial I saw all the names of the men. It brought tears to my eyes to think about if those were all of my friends, and more when I realized all these people had fought for everyone around me today. That's why I believe it's so important that we welcome you home for your service.

There is no amount welcome homes or thank you’s for your service that would completely honor what you did. There is no way that I could ever tell you enough that I’m genuinely thankful for what you gave up. There is no way that I could ever tell you thank you for giving up for freedom, so then I would be able to have mine. There is no way that I could ever tell you enough that I sincerely welcome you home for all that you have done. If you are able to I would greatly appreciate if you wrote back to me tell me about your time.

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Letter to veteran

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