Live without | Teen Ink

Live without

September 28, 2023
By Talontl GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Talontl GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A piece of the puzzle

I can not live without my family, family is truly one of the most important things in the world, not because you live with them, but because of the traditions, jokes, and bonding you have done with them all your life. Family traditions are like no other, they really bring a strong bond to the family which helps them become inseparable. The way family supports one another is something that is so important, like the chain to a bicycle. Without that chain, there will be nothing to catch on to get you going in the right direction. Parents are like training wheels, they support you until you are ready to go out by yourself. 

I have one sibling, an older brother named Logan. I can't live without my brother. He is what motivates me to try my hardest in everything I do. He is smart and good with his words. The way he words his sentences about trying hard is beautiful. He works them in a way where that isn't overwhelming and it feels like I can slowly work toward the goal. 

Without my mom, I wouldn't laugh the way I do. I definitely got my mom's laugh because when I hear something funny I laugh so hard I fight for air. The difference is that I don't turn bright red when I laugh. The way my mom laughs is like a tea kettle, the high-pitched noise that happens is too good not to laugh at. When I  hear my mom laugh like a tea kettle, that's how I know I made a good joke, well… in her opinion at least. 

 My dad is a quiet dude, he is not too tall and has salt-and-pepper hair with a beard. My dad taught me how to golf at a young age. I was never really into golf until 6th grade. I started playing for fun until 8th grade, then I played for my high school team. Having him watch me play in tournaments is very fun to see. I think he enjoys watching me knowing that he has taught me up to this point and how he gets excited when I play well. In my sophomore year, I was playing and ended up tied for first place and when I got home my dad was watching the live scoring on the TV while he was working. The most recent thing he taught me was how to drive a manual car. He taught me how to drive a 1992, blue, dodge stealth. Learning was hard,  I had to figure out how to start moving which is the most difficult thing. Trying to release the clutch with enough gas for the car to get going smoothly was a difficult task. Eventually, I got the hang of it and now I am able to drive manual cars without a problem. My father is a patient man. Very understanding, very well-spoken, and always finds a way to make people laugh.

I am truly grateful for my family because of the motivation and opportunities they have given me.

The author's comments:

This piece is about how my family is a key piece of my life.

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