Mattress Blowout | Teen Ink

Mattress Blowout

January 25, 2012
By Haley Pietila SILVER, Hartford, Wisconsin
Haley Pietila SILVER, Hartford, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Through out the year Arrowhead has had different fundraisers in order to raise money for the school, athletics, or various necessities. Whether it be from the girl’s swim team hosting a fundraiser, swimming 24 hours to the men’s soccer team having a mattress sale, Arrowhead finds a way to help pay for costs or help out the community.
When asked about the mattress blow out, Patrick Sievert responded, “It was a fundraiser for the Arrowhead soccer team held at our school. It was a good way to get players on the team involved and work towards a good cause.” Which brought us to our next question of what the purpose of the fundraiser was. Sievert said,“ The whole point of our fundraiser was to raise money for a new score board and team room since we’re much lacking in those areas for our team.”

With having set goals in mind for what needed to be accomplished the team began their work September 10th, 2011, this event lasting around five hours. “All we had to do was hold signs and direct people to the mattress sale.” The task didn’t seem too difficult for a determined group of ten guys, however Sievert later said “With starting at 9:00 A.M. and going until 3:00 PM it got hot standing outside holding signs along the side of the roads, trying to deviate people from their regular set schedules they had planned that day.”

However, according to Sievert the sweltering day for holding up signs and directing people to a mattress sale was successful. In the end Sievert quoted “ It was a profitable ambition, we ended up raising $3500. And even though we had to give a fraction of it to the company we still managed to make a decent amount for our team.”

With hopefully a new score board and a room headed towards the soccer team’s way, Sievert added more about group activities like the mattress sale. “We usually do a community thing like collecting soccer balls and sending them overseas or supporting MS research as much as we can. Not only do we like to help other organizations and communities but it brings a good team bonding experience.”


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