The Issue | Teen Ink

The Issue

September 16, 2015
By RainbowWarrior714 SILVER, Bettendorf, Iowa
RainbowWarrior714 SILVER, Bettendorf, Iowa
5 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Be the change you wish to see in the world

Celebrities have too much power these days. I did a survey and found people knew who Jennifer Lawence is, but not Mother Teresa. This is upsetting. People like Gandhi and Mother Teresa have done great things for this world, while celebrities live their lives of fame. Sure, some celebrities do good things, but not amazing things. Celebrities give us a false image of what life should be like. Gandhi was a normal man who showed us that you can change the world, that you don't need money to do it. I think the young people today should before educated on people like that, and hear less about ditzy celebrities.


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