Code Blue | Teen Ink

Code Blue

September 26, 2018
By Anonymous

I was mesmerized by the giant TV screens. Each one in vivid, bright colors, calling me over to admire their huge screens. I was only 10, and I was sadly accompanying my mom on one of our daily grocery shopping trips to Walmart. Yet on this day, I had no interest in walking down the aisle after aisle of assorted foods. I wished to look at something that fit my own interests, the electronics. After arriving at the store I openly asked my mom if I could go and look at the TVs that were on the opposite end of the store. After a couple of minutes of me promising I wouldn’t touch or break anything I was allowed to go. Before I took off though, she had one last thing to say, “Now make sure you stay right in that section and don’t go anywhere else where I can’t find you” Which I begrudgingly responded, “Yesssss Mommmmm”. I then slowly walked away, but as soon as she lost sight of me I shot like a bullet straight down to the electronics. As soon as I entered the aisle I was enraptured by the flashing lights, gadgets, and gizmos. “This is so cool!” I thought as I played on the computers and phones. The experience was very entertaining and fun… until I had grown bored. While I stared at the same TV for another five minutes I thought about other things I could do to amuse myself for the rest of the time. Then it hit me.

I realized that the sports section was a mere 5 aisles away, not close enough to just walk over to, but not too far that if I saw my mom, I could hurry right back over to where I was supposed to be. I thought about these options carefully and decided that my only choice, was to go for it. I quickly ran out of the aisle and looked around carefully, as if I were a tiny little mouse looking out for a predator before scurrying out of his little hole. Once I confirmed that the coast was clear, I bolted for the sports section. After getting there I was once again pulled out of boredom by a row of bikes, balls, and sports equipment. I loved being active and playing games with friends, and as I admired each different thing I thought of using it with my friends and having a great time.

 I then walked into an aisle with camping equipment. This sight automatically catapulted memories of camping with my dad and mom. That’s when it hit me. I was not supposed to be here! As stepped back and tried to remember how long I had actually been the aisle I began running back to the electronics. How long had I been walking around there? Five, maybe ten minutes? What if it was thirty!? As I ran beads of sweat started rolling down my face. Not because of how fast and hard I was sprinting, but because of the nervousness of what my mom would do if she found out I broken her one rule.

As I emerged into the electronics aisle my body suddenly filled with relief. My mom was nowhere to be seen. As I sat down to catch my breath I wondered how in the world I was lucky enough not to get caught. I soon got back up and began playing one of the games on the computers I had already played before. In the middle of level 18, I was suddenly surprised by a voice coming over the store intercom. It said “Attention fellow shoppers, the store is currently in a code blue situation. Repeat code blue. There is a missing child in the store. Male, age 10, his name is Chad, last reported in the electronics section. If you see or find him please bring him to the front of the store. Thank you.” …Crap.

The author's comments:

A personal story about my silly childhood.

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