I Fall Apart | Teen Ink

I Fall Apart

September 26, 2018
By olivialauze BRONZE, Farmington, New Hampshire
olivialauze BRONZE, Farmington, New Hampshire
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

White Nike Air Mmaxes. Light ripped jeans. I had brown hair. I was so happy. It was early winter so with no heat in the foggy, musty smelling, pool room it’s a little cold. Iona, Karlie and I were like the three amigos. We would plan a bunch of parties at Iona’s house. It was the most fun I’ve had with my friends.

One after the other. We would all show up at Iona’s house in downtown Milton Mills. A very small part of town. It's all in one circle, the library with the playground, convenience store, and my favorite part; the waterfall. It is so pretty and about a 2 minute walk from Ionas house. All of us would walk there, sit under the gazebo, and take a bunch of pictures. Before everyone got there, all of the girls would sit in the closet size bedroom and do our hair and makeup. We would spend hours. We would sit and talk and laugh. Spill the tea if you know what I mean. Once the boys got there is when we all went to Iona’s pool room.

In the pool room there is just a pool table in the main part of the room and in the small side there is a hammock and small couch. The boys would play pool and the girls would just do whatever. We would all take turns playing music but when “I Fall Apart” by Post Malone came on we all stopped what we were doing and sang along, “Ooo I fall apart” all of us at the top of our lungs.

She told me that I'm not enough, yeah
And she left me with a broken heart, yeah
She fooled me twice and it's all my fault, yeah
She cut too deep, now she left me scarred, yeah
Now there's too many thoughts goin' through my brain, yeah
And now I'm takin' these shots like it's novacane, yeah

These lyrics are kind of sappy and sad so we would all get into our “feels” and sing with a lot of emotion. It was just that one song that we all loved. This would go until around midnight then everyone started to leave.

The girls, Karlie, Nikki, Emma, Arry, Rachel, Chloe and I slept over. We would stay in the pool room, talking, laughing, and singing for awhile just because we didn't want to get up. “Ooo I fall apart” we all sang right when we heard it. When we finally get the motivation we all run, like really run, from her backyard to her house just to get the best spot to sleep.

Everytime I hear this song and the lyrics I have mini flashbacks of throwing cheeseballs at eachother, burning pictures of our exes (that only happened once, were not that crazy), and just all of the memories. It makes me happy and sad at the same time because it was so much fun and we made amazing memories but I miss some of the people I made them with.

When I listen to this song I feel like I'm back in Milton Mills, running down the street as fast as I can, listening to this song. Always stopping to take pictures. Milton Mills will always be a special place to me even though it isn't that great of a destination for most people, it makes me happy. All these memories and this song taught me that my friends are really important to me and everyone should cherish their time together. Whether you're doing nothing but sitting and talking, mourning the loss of your friend, or doing something crazy your friends are always going to be there with you.

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