My Holiday Throw Up | Teen Ink

My Holiday Throw Up

October 2, 2018
By brody389 BRONZE, Farmington, New Hampshire
brody389 BRONZE, Farmington, New Hampshire
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Have you had that one holiday that just really stunk? Well I have, I can remember the whole thing. My holiday was Christmas.  It was probably one of the worst one’s I've had. It was my whole family on the couch we were reading the Polar Express.I still remember what part we were reading. It was when the wolves start running next to the train. “Soon there were no more lights to be seen. We traveled through cold, dark forests, where lean wolves roamed and white-tailed rabbits hid from our train as as it thundered through the quiet wilderness.” It was my older braty brother Josh on the edge of the couch to the left. He was flicking my earbut saying it was Brandon. Next to to him was my quiet and oldest brother Brandon. Next to him was my mom. She was in the middle because she was reading. I was next to her because I was a mama's boy. After me on the end was my dad. He is always on the end because he falls asleep.   We were at our house on Main Street next to the Circle K. My living room was all decorated with Christmas stuff. So when you walk in my living room, my couch was on the wall to the left, to the right was the TV. If you keep walking straight our Christmas tree would be right in front of you. The back wall had a bench. There was a hallway that led to me and my brother’s room and if you kept going you would end up in my parents room. When you walk into my house, you walk to the left the kitchen is right there.

I was warning my mom that, “ I didn't feel good” but she didn’t do anything at first. After a few minutes I told her again, “I don’t feel good” so then we went to get some Tums. My stomach still felt bad after I took them. I waited some more to say, “ I didn’t feel good” but mid sentence that's when I threw up. My brothers were like just shut up and deal with it we want to finish the  book. My dad was sleeping but it didn’t really matter because I still would've threw up on the others.

I hate throwing up because it's just horrible. I start to cry and then I cant breathe. When I threw up it was really weird. It was like a perfect circle and it was unexpected. I didn't even feel like I was going to, but then I did. It went on a couple of people, first of all it went on me, then it went on my mom, my dog and on Brandon’s feet. At first everyone was in shock that I puked. Then everyone started to move away from me to clean it up.

After all of it I went to bed and when I woke up I didn’t feel sick anymore and there was presents under the tree. I learned something too never take Tums if your stomach hurts. Now I’m just realizing that it still didn’t ruin our Christmas. We still had a good time in the morning. What this taught me is that no matter what happens my family has fun after everything that happens.

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