First Time at the Pig Fest | Teen Ink

First Time at the Pig Fest

October 2, 2018
By derick03 BRONZE, Farmington, New Hampshire
derick03 BRONZE, Farmington, New Hampshire
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 My mom came to pick me up  to go to Walton NY it is a 6 hour ride. We started to go it felt so long when we were going up. About half way through the cooler fell of the ATV and it went all over the road we had to pick it all up. Then I fell asleep for most of the ride. When I woke up we were all most there it was like 2:00 am when we were pulling in. We went into Pete's Camper because he wasn't up  yet when I woke up I was saying hello to Jimmy,Papa John and JR and others .That were up to help this week because a hand full of people come up to help set up. Then we just started setting up tent city, tent city is us Ron won and Arty put our tents up to hand out with each other when we were done We just kinda went to bed early.

the next day we went up to rons house because we were going to get to get a ride in his  72 Nova. It has a 350 big block in it with NOS. his car can reached speed of 190 mph. But we couldn't go because it was raining then I saw the Warriors there a racing quad we grabbed out the two running ones then Dana my step dad sead hop one only one way to figure it out so I did . I took  off without a issue I never stalled it or any thing now I'm really good at riding . Then I asked about the other two he said he is building one and the other is parts so we grabbed them.

Then we went in the garage and put on the Front A Arms, spindles, shocks, brakes and tires one the one he is building then we put them back because it was late at night. We grabbed the white one and brought it back the next day we unloaded it and I went out for a ride in the wood .I was going through the woods up the mountain . I was out for like 3 hours ripping up the trails when I got back I was told to make a trail so I did .then it lead in to the login trails so I started to go through it was all mud.  When I got back I was covered from head to toe with mud.        

I went over to Papa John and asked if he needed help he said yeah we need to split wood for the fire for the pig. So we started to split some wood then I went out to Dana and John . After I was hanging out with my mom we were playing cards . I was told to start a fire at the fire pit for that night I started a fire that night we had smores and we were playing man hunt with the kids that were up there. Then Dana said that we were going to get the pig tomorrow .

When I woke up it was like 5 o'clock. We left and went to get  the pig I went to git it it.when we pulled in the barn looked run down but when we went in it was all re done then we saw the pig then we picked the one then I saw them them shout it and put the knife  then we loaded up the pig and then we brought it back and we unloaded it and we poured hot water on it on deferred it then we hung it in the garage and started gutting it and I helped and watched while I was eating breakfast then we put it in the freezer.

The next day we put it on the smoker for two days. Then after it the band was practicing and josa was playing the drums and Jimmy was playing the guitar and Pete was playing bass there band is called the Two Old Dogs and a Pup then I was hanging out with Dana and John they were cutting trees down and I was dragging them out.

When the pig was done we all put the food on the 7 tables then we all started to eat and a hole bunch of people showed up on side by sides and ATVs then that night the band was playing it was PapaJohn, Jimmy, Pete, Jose and a hole bunch of other people then we started to do the rafele and we wanted the knife when the first ticket was called I had it so I instantly grabbed the knife. it is handmade then it keep going one then the band continued playing  then won was making a seafood thing that was really good then .the next day we packed up and left to go home I can't wait to go again next year.

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