My Blood | Teen Ink

My Blood

October 2, 2018
By Destinygc BRONZE, Farmington, New Hampshire
Destinygc BRONZE, Farmington, New Hampshire
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

If it weren’t for music, I think it would be very difficult for people to express their feelings. If you think about it, do you think you’d be who you are now if you never hit play?

For some people, music is just a background  noise while you’re doing the dishes or driving a car.. But for others, music is a way of life. Classical, rock, country, jazz, or even plain instrumental, people find ways to connect. They find lyrics that sing out their feelings for them, beats they rock their heads to, and even stories that are told through a three minute tune.

Everyone has their own taste in music. If you asked me a few years back in 2015 what my music taste was, I would probably not be able to answer that because I wasn’t that big on music. But now, present day,  my taste is now very specific. It is anything I can personally relate to, a song that helps me remember a certain day, time, or person. Even if it means shedding a few tears.

      I’ve always loved music but it wasn’t a deep connection. I would sing along but the lyrics never clicked with me, I was blind to the individual messages they gave, songs were nothing to me before. But a few years back my friend dragged me into the fandom of a band. It started with a simple, “Hey, have you heard this song?” To now a full on fangirl of this band with Tunes that consisted of happy and depressing lyrics. Tunes that had heart moving messages that make you think twice.

“You say things with your mouth, cobwebs and flies come out. I hear a second voice behind your tongue somehow, luckily I can read your mind. Cobwebs and flies unwind

They will not take you down, they will not cast you out - Lovely” Twenty One Pilots

It was obvious the singer was going through some difficult problems himself but being able to relate to his problems with a friend was a magical experience. We would listen together late at night when we both had a rough day, we connected even if it was something small like listening to their music in the background while going for a walk in my lonesome town, playing a video game, or blaring their music loudly in the car (which drove my mom crazy). Spending time with her was the highlight of my life, I’m so thankful she dragged me into that band because their songs changed my view of life. I’ve learned that everyone goes through problems and it's up to you if you’re going to face them.

“No one else is dealing with your demons, meaning maybe defeating them can be the beginning of your meaning friend -Kitchen Sink” Twenty One Pilots

To me now, September 27th of the year 2018, songs mean the world to me. I have been given the strength to connect to more artists and their songs. That first band will now forever remind me of the messages of hope that I was blind to before. Giving me a reminder that listening to them changed me forever, showing me songs can move you and even help you with problems you’re facing. Even though my friend isn’t here to share them with me anymore, the memories within each song of us singing along always makes my day and wherever she is, I hope it gives her the strength she needs as well.

“The sun will rise and we will try again -Truce”  Twenty One Pilots

The author's comments:

This story is a personal story of mine about how music has affected me personally. It is also story about how music can speak louder then most words and how some songs can bring people together and brighten up a life little by little. But it's also my deep story about how i connected to an old friend of mine and how we both fought our problems together. The story mainly surrounds a certain band, Twenty One Pilots.

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