Capturing the Moment | Teen Ink

Capturing the Moment

October 11, 2018
By Anonymous

The camera clicked, sending its gears into motion, capturing this moment in time. It was at the perfect moment; the sun was shining, happiness illuminating from our faces. We waited in anticipation as the picture was dispensed from the camera, excited to see how it would turn out. After a few minutes of chatting, the photo developed, revealing our smiling, but unready faces. I chuckled as I tucked the polaroid picture away in my phone case, so it can serve as a convivial reminder of this wonderful day.

Before this moment, the day was off to an amazing start. The refreshing spring air, the flourishing flowers gradually reaching towards the sky, and the beautiful buzzing birds happily chirping embodied this wonderful morning perfectly. When I arrived at school after a grueling morning of preparation, the building was hot and dark, lights randomly flickering and electricity going out in haphazard areas. Everyone was tossing around the idea that school would get cancelled, which ended up becoming a reality. Students swarmed out out of the school, eager to have this glorious day to themselves. After calling to confirm our plans, I zipped home to get ready, drove to pick up Kaitlyn and Audrey, and then we were off to Rolling Hills Water Park.

When we arrived, we felt even more wonderful than before. The sun was gleaming; water glistening, concrete blazing, trees swaying. Children’s laughter filled the air as they splashed in the pools or slid down the waterslides, enjoying the sunshine. The atmosphere felt uplifting, as if you could feel the happiness of others radiate throughout the park. I felt my hair subtly whirl with the wind, my friend’s too, trying to decide what to do next. Suddenly, we heard the high pitched “RIIING”, looked at each other in agreement, and ran over the scalding concrete to the wave pool as the water swelled up and down in monstrous motions.

After we sat down to take a break, Kaitlyn appeared to be so carefree. She twirled her curly blonde hair between her manicured fingers as she spoke, sitting criss cross atop her towel. She was so excited that I invited her, as she has never been here before, and insisted she wasn’t commonly invited to things. Although that is not true, of course, she formed that mum smirk on her face in denial. Despite her stubbornness, she was having a wonderful day, her eyes crinkling in delight just looking around the park, daydreaming about what to do next and how well the day was spent.

As I looked over at Audrey, I noticed she was carefree as well. Her soft hair was slicked back with water in her typical low pony; she wore a pink bikini with a cute charm on the top, with her polaroid camera slung across her shoulder. Audrey smiled jubilantly, beaming as bright as the sun. She smelled of lavender and eucalyptus from her anxiety oil, sitting safely in her purse at all times. But at this moment, her anxieties didn’t matter, because she was with her friends, having a wonderful time at Rolling Hills.

After hours of our time were spent at the water park, it was eventually time to depart. We happily scuttled to my mom’s van. To prove we had a good day, we were ready to go home, do our remaining homework, and just fall back into our regular routine. As we traveled home, we chatted euphorically as we listened to music loud enough to rock the vehicle. It was a wonderful end to an even more wonderful day. The polaroid pictures would serve as pleasing reminders of this glamorous day; I have had one in my phone case since. It reminds me to be happy when I am feeling down, and I appreciate my friend so much for providing me that.

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