Magnets | Teen Ink


October 15, 2018
By Anonymous

It’s not normal for a six- year- old to have to go to the hospital because there are seven pieces of magnetic metal floating around in their body. At the same time, as an immature child, the thought of these super strong magnets possibly disconnecting inside your body and reconnecting causing very bad internal injuries doesn’t help a very nervous little boy that doesn’t know what is going on.


My house was filled with voices of family members going back and forth in conversation, the smell of food went through the house. Everyone in the house was distracted with their own conversation. All of the kids were in the room right next to the living room that had the xbox, nerf guns, toy cars, tv, power rangers, board games, and the sports equipment that hasn’t been used in a long time sitting in the corner collecting dust. The fan was blowing and the one lightbulb left was glowing dimly and shook slightly because, the fan was moving and the fan didn’t seem to be screwed together completely. Me and my cousins were playing with very small but strong magnets that were shaped like spheres.You could connect the magnets and make them turn into different objects and shapes. Everything was going normal and everyone was having fun.


A few weeks earlier, I had my two front teeth pulled out because my adult teeth were coming in and one of them already had a cavity. Since one of them was already getting pulled the dentist asked my mom if they could just pull both of them and get it done now, and she said yes. Since I was gonna have no front teeth for a few more months the dentist gave me fake teeth to replace them. These fake teeth were made of almost entirely metal and connected to my mouth by two little braces that were connected through a metal wire and went around one of my teeth on each side which kept the temporary teeth stable in my mouth and made it to where I could use them as normal teeth. I found out a few days earlier that these teeth were also magnetic. A piece of the apparatus came up to the roof of my mouth and helped it stay in place even more so than the two other braces. The piece that came up to the roof of my mouth was the part that was the most  magnet.

               When I was six I didn’t have a complete understanding of what I should do and what I shouldn’t do. The magnets were my favorite thing to play with at the time and no one ever told me it wasn’t smart to put magnets on the roof of my mouth.

 My mom was walking past the room me and my cousins were playing in, “Sakae, be careful with those magnets”

               I yelled “Yesh ma’am,” continuing to mess with the magnets and play the board games my cousins had set up for us to  play with. It was my sisters 14th birthday so almost all of my family was at my house. The cousins that were there are 8 and 15 years old, and they didn’t know what I was doing. Until I looked to Riley, and tapped his shoulder, “Riley, I swallowed the, magnets”.

               “What did u do” Riley asked, looking at me with like I was crazy.

.              “I swallowed those magnets”

Riley got up from the ground and walked to the other room, “Sakae swallowed those magnets he really likes to play with.” I was following him out from the room hiding behind his shoulder.

 My mom got up from her seat immediately rushing to her phone, “How in the world did magnets even get into his mouth.” She assumed that I wasn’t in the room. I was in tears at this point and I didn’t know what else to do. My mom saw me and she immediately rushed me to the car and to the hospital. The ride was silent and I still didn’t really know what was going on. We drove Bayshore blvd. which was right next to the bay. it was a beautiful day for a bad accident. Tampa General Hospital was not a pleasing sight to see. I knew at that point whatever was going to happen from there on out was going to be interesting.

               The lady at the front desk of the kids section of the hospital was sitting there waiting for anyone to come and need help.

               “Hi,” my mom said, sighing with a fake smile. “My son here swallowed little magnets.”

               “ Come right back through those doors and we will get him x-rayed and checked out”, the lady pointed to the door to the left at the same time. I was very nervous and didn’t know what to expect. They took me back to the x-ray room. It was my first x-ray that I could remember. The nurse took me back to where my mom and my dad had showed up to be with us.

               “The doctor will be right in to help you” the nurse was closing the curtain and walking away. The room was silent and I really wanted to just go home. The curtain started to move and the doctor appeared.

               “Hello,” he walked into the little room and closed the curtain.

               “ So what happened?” My dad immediately asked.

               “Well, your son here, swallowed seven magnets and they are flowing around in his digestive track.”

               My mom jumped into the conversation “Will he be ok?”

               “yes but, this is very dangerous because, if the magnets disconnect they could reconnect in the wrong place and collapse or pinch the walls of his intestine” pointing to the x-ray of my stomach. “we just have to wait for the magnets to past and hope that they don’t disconnect.”

I didn’t know what to think I just wanted to get out of the hospital. The doctor had come in again and let us leave. We were leaving the hospital, going back to our house where my sisters 14th birthday was happening. All of the family was still there and everyone was cleaning the house and getting ready to leave. It had been about 3 hours since we were home. The rest of the night was normal and nothing else exciting and we just went to bed. All together I think it was a very exciting day for my family.

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