SteamBoat Colorado | Teen Ink

SteamBoat Colorado

October 16, 2018
By Anonymous

BOOM, CRASH, QUCH, SKRRRRT! As I hit the icy snow. I slid into a big hole of powder snow after bumping into the kid in front of me in line.
“Watch out bro,” he said in an angry tone, as we bumped into each.

He fell, but he was bigger, so he sent me flying. All I remember is his ski flying by my face when I was in the powder. It was so fast I didn’t remember it hitting me, it was so fast, and I didn’t even feel it. As my whole ski class huddled around me, I put my glove to my chin and when I pulled the green camo glove back it was red, covered with the blood oozing from my chin.
“Oh, my goodness bro! Look at his chin”, someone yelled.

The instructor quickly skied down to me. He helped me out of the powder and back into my skis. “That’s pretty gnarly dude, we will get you fixed up really quick”. We all skied down to a little lodge with a big red sign with a whit cross on it. My instructor took me up to the front and said, “go tell them what happened”.
“Hey sweetie” said a kind woman at the front desk. “Tell me what happened”
“so, so, so…. I stopped right there, as I saw my friend I met the other day on a ski lift. He was walking back with a cast on his arm.
“Ouch”, I was wondering what happened, but back to my chin. I told the lady, “well I hit another skier on the way down, and when I fell his ski flew off and hit my chin.” I removed my glove from my chin.
“Oh, my goodness dear, what, what, what happened?” as she looked at me with a sad look on her face.

I explained the story, “so I skied down my first blue, but I got off balance and hit another skier in my class. He sent me fling along with one of his skies. It flew and sliced my chin. Well… now I’m here.” I had a blank look on my face, as I was still replaying what happened in my head.
“well, lets get you fixed up. Follow me” she said.
We walked back into a small room with a couple adults sitting down. We kept walking until we reached a room with a bench seat. I sat down, and another woman walked in.

“Hey buddy” she had a huge smile.
She pulled out some medical tape and butterfly bandages and taped me up. She returned me to my ski instructor, who was waiting outside with the class.
“Dude! How you feeling my mans” asked my instructor.
“I’m ok. Thank you.” I was lying, I was in a lot of pain.

We continued the day like nothing had ever happened, we rode a lift back to the top of the slope. I skied the rest of the day, honestly, I forgot about my chin while skiing. A couple hours had gone by and it was time to get picked up. I walked out to find my dad.

“Hey bud, how was your day?” He paused, “what happened to your face?” he stared with a confused look.
“I got hit in the chin with a ski” I told him.
“Are you in pain?” he sounded worried.
“nah man I’m good” I told him
We were walking to the tram to take us back to the hotel when my dad stopped.
“Take off the tape Kaden, I never even got a look. Oh, my goodness! He screamed.
“Dad I am ok”
“No, no, no. we are going to the hospital right now.” He exclaimed.

We headed for the road and we called over a taxi, we got in and told the man to take us to the nearest emergency room. We got there and headed straight to the back. We walked into a room and I sat on a chair in the center of the room. A tall man came up to us.

“Let’s take a look” he said with a kind tone.
He removed the bandage to the bloody, white gash on my face.
“Ok” he said calmly, “it’s just split open. It can be easily fixed by some stitches.”
“Good” I said with relief.

They took me to yet another room, which was bigger and had needles in boxes, and x-ray machines. Then another doctor walked in. I do not clearly remember a lot of him/her, but the doctor walked in and asked if I wanted the numbing shot or pill. He said the shot will work faster, so that what I chose. Then the doctor went and grabbed a huge needle out of a cabinet.

“This may hurt a little bit” said the doctor.
Before I could react, the doctor put the needle into one side and out the other side of my chin. It hurt bad, but what felt like a second later I was numb, and I couldn’t feel my face. The doctor then pulled out some thread and yet another needle.

“This won’t hurt a bit,” said the doctor.

All I was thinking I hope not. Slowly All I was thinking I hope not. Slowly the doctor threaded each thread. I did not feel any pain from it, but I certainly felt it. It felt like hours, but it was probably only twenty minutes.

“Is it done, please tell me it’s over?” I asked franticly.
“Yes” said the doctor.

We walked out of the hospital to the cab and headed back to the hotel. The rest of the trip is a blur. 

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