The Crash | Teen Ink

The Crash

October 17, 2018
By Anonymous

*Skrrt...boom*! As my vision blurred and the lights dimmed i could feel myself slowly falling unconscious. As i woke up to bright lights and loud noises i had realized what had happened. I was lost in the moment and my adrenaline was rushing, I realized where I was at when I noticed the IV’s. My pride was tore when I seen my reflection. As I seen the lumps and bruises my eyes started to fill. My boyfriend was on my side so i tried to hold the waterworks. Then as my vision started to clear and i looked at my body everything went dark and my heart started racing.

When i woke up to see my mom and dad they asked me what i remembered. I said that all i remember was my first kiss then after that just was blurs and lights. After i was hospitalized I was thinking to myself, “what are my parents going to say”. I had never felt so scared, it was so terrifying and there was nothing i could do about it. Later my mom and dad came in and said the cops wanted to ask me some questions.  I confused on why the cops wanted to speak with me. I asked myself did i do something wrong? I told my parents i had nothing to say even though it was a million things rushing thru my mind.

The night i had left the house to go to a party, my mom had told me it was a bad idea not to let her take me. I just told her it would be embarrassing for her to drop me off like i was a little kid. I was trying to tell her the best way i could without hurting her feelings. Then my ride showed up about four or five minutes late. Smelling like a bottle of liquor i couldn't tell who was drinking but the smell was strong. I knew i shouldn't have gotten in the car but something in my mind told me not to be scary. Then as i started rethinking my choice everything happened and my vision went dark.

Getting released from the hospital i was thinking to myself, “im in big trouble”. I had to think to myself it wasn't like i went to the party without permission. My parents were probably gonna kill me just because I was intoxicated. Or maybe the fact that i never told them i had a boyfriend. The moral of all this i feel like if i had just stuck with my gut i wouldn't be in this situation.

The author's comments:

This is why dont dont get in the care with strangers

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