Shocking News | Teen Ink

Shocking News

October 18, 2018
By Anonymous

Author’s Note: You may be thinking while reading this, why would she choose to write about something so sad? First off, my grandpa was a very important part of my life. But also it’s because I am able to really connect and express my feelings in this story. I want my message to my readers to be that you should keep their family near and spend every minute you can with special people in your life.

My grandpa lifted my brother and I into the green big wagon. Excitement started to build up in my body causing butterflies. I had a big wide smile appear on my face and I was ready for him to start the lawn mower. The green Johnson Creek lawn mower that was attached to the wagon started up and he begins to ride all over the yard. My brother and I were having the time of my life. Ha ha ha I was saying happily over and over wishing that this moment could last forever.

My grandpa had a very creative mindset. He always would think of the best and most funs things to do. I was never bored at my grandparents’ house. He would literally do anything with me, things like water balloons, going to the park, crafts, and especially puzzles. I would love and always want to do puzzles. We would use to do the same exact Strawberry Shortcake puzzles because I always beg him to do it with me. Even if he was probably sick of the puzzle, he would still do it with me. He would always tell me I was so good and fast at puzzles and then I would be so proud of myself. He made moments unforgettable.

10 years later, it was like a nightmare come true. My mother woke me up at 6 am in the morning and was sobbing hard. She couldn’t even finish her sentences. My heart was beating a hundred miles per second because I knew this wouldn’t be good. Once she finally spit out her words, I just couldn’t believe what I was hearing. My grandpa had passed away late last night or early this morning from a heart attack. It was absolutely the worst experience in my life.

At the time, my dad and my brother were in a different state for my brothers racing. They insisted on coming back but my mom said that my grandpa would want him to be racing and doing what he loved. So my mom and I had my neighbor drive us over to my grandparents’ because my mom couldn’t drive with all that's on her mind- at least that’s what our neighbor insisted. We started heading to my grandparents house to say our last goodbyes to my grandpa. On the way there, lots of thoughts were dancing around in my head. What is he gonna look like when I see him? Will there be Finally, we pulled into their brick driveway with bright green bushes on each side. I walked inside to the living room. There was my aunt and my grandma with gloomy and shooken faces. Then there he was. So peacefully and delicate sitting down on the couch. Waterfalls flew down my cheek. I reached into a gentle hug and kiss and said the lines of “I love you grandpa.” I imagined what my mom, aunt, and grandma were feeling. Losing your own dad that has raised you and has been there for your whole life must just devastating. My grandparents were married for over 40 years. They committed their lives to each other.

I stepped out of my car in my black dress and headed into the church for the funeral. In the lobby area, there was several of posters with memories of him. I spotted lot of pictures of my grandpa and I from my childhood. As soon as I saw them, that's when it all came to me. It felt as if I was getting punched in the stomach. Millions of memories and images of him flashed in my head. Tears after another fell down my pure red face. It finally all hit me that this was actually happening and that there was no way I could ever see him not talk to him again. My sadness was unexplainable. Minutes later, I saw one of my cousin entering the church and she was also crying. She reached into my arms for a big hug. Her hug made me feel very warm and comforted. I am so blessed to still have lots of people on this earth that love me.

“For we know that if our earthly dwelling, a tent, should be destroyed, we have a building from god, a swelling not made with hand, eternal in heaven.” (Corinthians 5:1) I once said up on the podium of his funeral shaking. Usually, I don’t like going up in front of people at all, but I did it for him because he deserves the best. This is only a short line of my speech because it was pretty long. The passage from the Bible is about how my grandpa may be gone from this world, but he is given eternal heaven from god and is still watching over us. My mom picked this passage from the Bible because it sounds like him and something that he would pick. I was honored and so happy that I could speak at his funeral. It was definitely a huge part of my life because still today, I have my written speech and passage that I keep safe on my dresser in my room.

I hope people who all read this knows that you should appreciate and savor every moment you are with an important people of your life because people don’t live forever. They could be taken away from you in a quick snap. I wish I was able to spend more time with my grandpa. He was the most kindest, most generous, and most selfless person I know. The list could easily go on and on because he was that kind of person that I never saw mad unhappy. He loved nature and the beauty of life. He was so thankful for his life and loved living.

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