Following in Footsteps | Teen Ink

Following in Footsteps

October 29, 2018
By 0mccraak BRONZE, Battle Creek, Michigan
0mccraak BRONZE, Battle Creek, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Fifteen years ago when I was three years old, I had always looked up to my older brother Keon. Keon was the most impressive person that I knew because he was the only other kid that I really ever saw and was around my age. Keon always had something to do that was fun, like going outside and playing or staying inside and making forts out of blankets and cushions or getting into mischief. Everything that he has ever done I thought that I should do it as well because he was cool and I wanted to be cool just like him. One time Keon wanted to get highlights in his hair and I thought that doing that kind of stuff was for girls, but when he did it, it was pretty cool with blonde streaks going through his curly afro-like hair so I wanted to do the same thing that my older brother did because what young kid doesn’t want to be like his older brother. My older brother and I had started preschool together when we first started we were shy and scared but getting further into the year him and me had each other backs always.

We had just moved into our new house, and this was the first house that I could remember living in It was two stories tall with a brown roof and tarnish yellow siding with an old brown garage in the back. We had been unpacking for days in that house and the house was still full of boxes after the first two days of unpacking. Here a week into our new house with all the unpacking and boxes filling up the halls it was my second first day of preschool and this time it was without my older brother and I was scared all over again. I remember asking my mother where Keon had gone, and she told me he started going to kindergarten but I didn’t understand so I became sad. Keon and me we’re still best friends after that he’d tell me what kindergarten was like and I'd listen.

We are now 2 months into our new house and still had boxes to unpack. Our house looked like we were just hoarders that didn’t want to let anything go. It's the middle of November now and the snow is falling down like sheets of paper I remember how much I loved going outside to play in the snow and make snowmen. When December hit it was freezing cold and I was bundled up like a midget Eskimo walking around with a wattle because of the thick snow pants that made my legs look plump. After a long day of playing in the snow I would go inside and watch my favorite show “Bob the Builder”, I had owned every VHS tape of the show and would watch them over and over it would drive my mother nuts. One night after playing the snow I didn’t go watch “Bob the Builder” instead Keon and I decided to go into the basement and play. We would wrestle on the couch and take the cushions off and make little forts Until Keon had the idea to mess around with the TV. This TV was at least three times the size of me in height which to me is a whole house and the width of it was relatively thick and had a slant down the back of it. Keon had the idea to climb on top of the TV and slide down the back. On the floor behind the TV lie boxes from the move but not just any boxes the kitchen appliance boxes. We slid down about five times right before the previous run; when I slid down, I landed on a box with a food processor inside of it. I have never in my life felt pain like this it had felt like my whole leg just got cut off but it was just my foot. I hobbled from behind the tv out and played on the carpet bleeding out and crying bloody murder. Keon ran upstairs screaming and crying for my mother. My mom came rushing down the stairs and when she saw me she busted out in tear because I was holding onto my foot trying to keep it together because the front part was just hanging there like a leaf that is going to fall off the branch of a tree. She didn’t know what to do, but she knew she had to act fast so she picked me up and ran to our neighbors a nice old couple that was family friends. She knocked on the door and came out and saw me and she knew I needed to get to the hospital because my mother couldn’t take me because my father had hauled the car to work that night; Therefore, she seized her keys and we made out the way to her teal minivan sitting in the drive. We had gone at least 30 over the speed limit to get to the hospital, we made it to the hospital and as soon as we walked in I was instantly moved to a surgical room. I was so scared because I couldn't see my mother just the people in masks and blue gowns I was terrified and was trying to get away until one of them pierced my skin injecting me with a liquid that made me pass out. When I had awoken, I was in a massive room surrounded by family toys and balloons and my foot was bandaged up it was weird because I couldn’t endure the pain anymore. There was this one toy set that I loved the most and it was the bob the builder toolkit and so I asked my mom to allow me to sit on the room floor to play with them. The next morning I was on my way to this place to get a cast; it was a black cast that went from my foot to the top of my knee. When I tried walking with the cast it had felt as if I had put on snow pant all over again because every time I walked I waddled like a penguin. I had the cast on for months which seemed like forever. I am now in kindergarten and Keon is in the second grade I had walked in with the cast and everyone just stared at me and looked like “what happened to you?” but except that wasn't their words they all just sat there watching little old me waddle around the room luckily for me I got the cast off the following week. After a week had gone by I was ready to get the cast off but then I saw the saw they were gonna use to take it off and I was like “no way are you touching me with that” but I’m only three years of age so I possibly couldn’t have said those words instead I just cried. There was this beautiful girl that was getting her cast off as well she couldn’t have been any older than 16. She had said to me “It’s not so bad, I know it looks very scary but it's not just close your eyes and it will be over in a second” then she held my hand as I got my cast off with the sound of the saw buzzing as it broke through the cast. When it was done I could actually see my foot; the rest of my leg and the girl had smiled at me and proceeded to get her cast taken off, of her what use to be a fractured wrist. It took me a while to figure out how to walk the proper way again and even now I still walk funny.

After the stuff that I went through I will still follow my brother even if it was something dumb.

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