My Best Friend | Teen Ink

My Best Friend

October 30, 2018
By Tomgould BRONZE, Battle Creek, Michigan
Tomgould BRONZE, Battle Creek, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The day that I lost my best friend,  This best friend wasn’t a human it happened to be my dog that passed away from having a thing called mange, it’s a bad sickness that my dog got when it was born. My family never knew that he had it until the last minute when he starting losing hair; from the mange it took about a month or two to figure out what he had, By the time we found out, what it was and everything it was honestly too late to help him. To went 3 month trying to keep him with us we did everything after all the fighting for him we couldn’t keep him no more we had to put him down because it started killing him . so we kept taking him to the vet everyday so much money was gone from that dog but we.

Loved him so much that’s why did it that’s why we spent so much on him to keep him from dying, more an more money by the day goes by. The medicine we had to buy for him to not bleed and swell up . That god was my best friend it was a very sad day when we got told we couldn’t do anything for him anymore that one day he is just gonna go…

And that is what happened a couple, weeks later we we had to put him down . When i found out i didn’t know what to do it was like the world stop and everything what. A nightmare it was all in slowmotion  the world like paused for a minutes and. I was so shocked I didn’t know what I was even supposed to do for the rest of that day. I didn’t do anything I stayed home and stayed in my room. The next day was another very add having to pick up all his toys that we got him. I remember putting them all in a bag and throwing them away because we didn’t want any other dog that we had to get the sickness too after, three years of not having a dog we all decided to get a new puppy, we got a farm dog, a black lab is the new dog we got it’s been about 3. years not the we got her after we get her we wanted another one but we also didn’t so it’s been about 2 more years now and we got a new dog a pit he is one of the nicest dog i’ve ever own; he’s drown and white. To this very day we all still think about our dog bane that is not longer with us but is with us in are hearts, of course he's gonna be in my that was my best friend.  his name was bane.

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