Christmas Fun | Teen Ink

Christmas Fun

November 4, 2018
By 0ODonnEI BRONZE, Battle Creek, Michigan
0ODonnEI BRONZE, Battle Creek, Michigan
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Oh, the Christmas season; everyone loves Christmas and the cold winter nights snuggled in a blanket next to the fire with a warm cup of hot cocoa. It is great for time to see your family members and jam out to some good songs. Ever since I was a little kid, my mom would decorate the house and it made me feel like I was in a Christmas wonderland; there is so much Christmas. Our house is not that big but when it’s Christmas it’s huge. My mom is more excited than me for the Christmas season.

When we got our huge tree it was time to decorate with Mom. We would bring up big heavy totes from the basement full with Christmas decorations.  The totes smelled like peppermint and pine. The first thing we get out is the Christmas lights for our tree, and Mom would give each of us our separate chores to help decorate and to get in the spirit. I would always grab the big radio and plug it in to get the Christmas jams on.

Our family would sing and dance to put decorations up. Looking around, my little heart would pound with this joy that Santa is coming soon, so we have to be good all month or we will get coal. My brother would tell me that are secret cameras around the house and that Santa is watching us. I knew in my head that I had to be super good. I can’t be mean to anyone, not even my brother even though he still picks on me, but I would always remind him of the secret cameras.

I loved the snowing cold days I would want to be my snuggled up in my blanket.  I knew the colder it got it meant Santa is coming soon. When that big fluffy snow came down, I knew there is going to be a snow day but that means I have to shovel the heavy snow. My big brother would help me shovel the heavy snow. All I know he is bigger and stronger than me. As he would shovel, I would make my way to go to the backyard to my play with the dog.

She would get lost in the snow because she was so small, but it made me laugh so hard I would just plop over in the snow and laugh. As I would lay down in the snow, I would look up in the sky and feel the wet snowflakes land on my cold face. I was looking at the sky and around at the snow as it was just perfect in the spots that had not been touched. The nice glaze of pure snow sits undisturbed, then Cupcake the dog just runs right through it to ruins the perfectness of it. I then got up and dusted off the cold snow off my body. I could not feel my hands they were so cold.

I watched my brother walk inside and as a little sister would do I followed him in with the dog. When we walked in the house we would smell mom was making Christmas cookies. Mom would ask if we were done shoveling the snow. Jacob, my brother, would say yes before I ever could. The next question my mother would ask if we both wanted hot cocoa. I would say yes first before Jacob could. We were both excited.  Mom dusted her hands to make us our hot cocoa.

It’s now Christmas Eve. My body had a weird tingly feeling of excitement for presents. My parents start putting little Christmas presents under the tree to get us excited. When we would get home from Christmas Eve service that tree would be full of presents. I would look around to guess presents with my brother. Now it is late and night and mom and dad are telling Jacob and me to go to bed but we just can’t. Sleeping with excitement is hard. Tossing and turning with reckless sleep I could not wait for the day to rip out the gifts. Bam I wake up with my brother in my face saying “It's Christmas .” I fly myself out of bed into the living room to see the bright tree with presents that fill the bottom of the whole tree. As I rub my eyes I ask my brother “What time is it?” He told me it was 6:45 AM. We will wake up mom and dad up at 7. We are so giddy to open these gifts. We just can’t wait any longer.

Jacob and I would start walking around the house just looking around in awe. We notice Santa ate the cookies and drank the milk. “Jacob, look! the reindeer also ate some of the carrots.” DING DONG DING DONG, our big clock it was telling us it was 7 o'clock. Jacob told me he was going to wake up mom and dad to open presents.  I was happy. today is the day we get our big gifts. I wanted to know if Santa really was going to give me my gift. Mom and Dad walk into the living room and could see the joy on Jacob’s and my face. We were ready to rip open the gifts. Dad got the camera out to start taking pictures. I looked like a crazy cat lady with my hair. I looked at my parents to make sure we had the go-ahead to attack the presents. They both said, “All right go, open presents.” I jumped in quick to presents with my name on it. The wrapping paper the bows were flying everywhere; it was like snow but not cold. I handed out gifts to mom and dad so they can open their gifts.


We got to the end and I did not find the gift from Santa. I was a little upset. Then all of a sudden I heard a knock at the front door. I ran to the porch door like there was avalanche falling behind me. I unlocked the door with my both of my hands. There it was in front of me was my gift, the thing I have been waiting for, to be so good for. Butterscotch the Fur real pet pony! It was real it was in front of me. “I HAVE A PONY” I yelled. I went up to it to touch it. When I touched it, it neighed at me I freaked out. The soft touch of a robot pony made me happy. I got the toy I wanted. I brushed my Butterscotch, fed my Butterscotch her one carrot, I was in a whole new world. I wanted to live on a farm so bad now, I wanted a real pony! My little heart was filled with joy, I know this is a Christmas I will always remember.

The author's comments:

This is about Christmas from when I was younger. 

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