My Coming Out Story | Teen Ink

My Coming Out Story

November 20, 2018
By Strawberry17 BRONZE, Wilmin, Delaware
Strawberry17 BRONZE, Wilmin, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

One morning I woke up and it was a normal day as usual. I went to school did my work, talked to friends and chilled with a couple friends. I went back home when my day was done and so I’ll just go to sleep and wake up the next day.

I had also remembered that in that same night my friend Jonathan had told me that he had told his parents he was bisexual . I was surprised at first but then I also told him that I was gay too. He had told me to tell my parents but I was too scared. He told me that his parents told him that they were going to love him the same way that nothing will change. I told him that my parents were strict about those type things and so I told him no that I can’t do it.

It’s the next day and I’m still doing the same routine I do everyday. I get to school and my friend says “You should really tell your parents about you being gay” I had told him no that I can’t do that. He said ok I just want you to be happy and be yourself. I had thought to myself like should I really tell my parents or just wait. So I just told myself no that it’s too risky and they might not accept me for who i am.

I go home and while I’m walking home I’m thinking about what my friend had told me about coming out. As I’m walking I’m saying things to myself like “should I tell my parents” “Will they still accept me and love me the same things like that. So I’m just like no they won’t love me the same way and so I start crying and call my friend. He says “OMG what’s going on why are you crying” and so I tell him what’s going on with me and he tells that I don’t have to come out to my parents at this moment if I’m not ready but I’m going to have to eventually so that I could be happy and I said “ok yeah you’re right”. So me and my friend end up talking on the phone about the situation all night.

It’s the next day and I’m on my way to school. I see my friend and I tell him I think I’m going to tell my parents tonight. He says “OMG yes about time I can’t wait for you to feel this freedom that I’m feeling I’m so happy for you”. I tell him yeah I know I’m so excited I hope that they won’t have a problem with me being gay. Most of my friends already know that I’m gay but there’s some people in my classroom that bully me in a way for who i am. My friends just tell me not to worry about them and that I should just stay to myself and love myself and just be me.

So I get home from school and I’m so nervous to tell parents that I’m gay. I put my bag down and so I just start passing around my room because i just have a lot of things running through my head like before but I tell myself “everything is going to be okay you got this”. So I call my parents down to the kitchen and so I tell them to sit on the family table that I have to talk to them and so they sit down and tell me “What’s going on?” I open my mouth and I-I-I I’m gay and i just put my head down . They come running to me crying and tell me “I’m glad you said something because straight or not we will love the same way and they also tell me that there will be some family members that won’t approve of that but it’s your life and your the one living it not them”. I say to them “Thank you for accepting me for who I am and so I gave them the tightest hug ever and a kiss on the cheek and I tell them “I love you guys so much”.

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