Grandma's House | Teen Ink

Grandma's House

December 7, 2018
By Anna-GL BRONZE, Moline, Illinois
Anna-GL BRONZE, Moline, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I hated going to my grandma’s house in the summer. It was boring and the neighborhood was filled with old people who gave you stale mints that had you on the toilet for weeks! While all my friends were out playing around the block, going swimming, having sleepovers,and  going out of town, I was at my boring old grandma’s house, who always said, “Be in the house before them street lights come on!” It was boring no doubt about it. If God gave me a choice to read books or go to my grandma’s house, I would read the heck out of those books! The neighborhood  was quiet unlike my noisy neighbor which was filled with all my friends, every hill that I had already planned to go down, and at the far end of the block there was a candy lady who sold the famous icy cups that every kid loved. But now I’ll be drinking green tea and eating nasty angel cake that she makes every Saturday for the church.

I was mad. Angry that my mom even said yes for me to go! She knows I hate it there and yet she said yes. Usually I would go in the winter time, which I wouldn't mind because it was WINTER not summer, and sometimes if she’s happy she'll make these delicious warm greens. That's just sometimes. Nobody wants to go to their grandma’s house for the whole 104 days of summer, but here I was packing all my pants and jackets because she didn't approve of shorts and tank tops. She thought of it as, “Not lady like,” and, “back in my day we wore long dresses not panties and bras outside.” I didn't bother saying goodbye to my friends because they were out by the candy lady's house getting the famous icy cup, while I was out putting my bags in the trunk of the car. It was a two hour and fifteen minute drive to my grandma’s, and I planned on not even talking to my mom because of how mad she made me for making me go down there knowing that I planned everything out this summer.  

“I have a feeling this trip is gonna be special this time Anna,” she grinned at me. I scoffed and rolled my eyes. What's gonna be special about going to my grandma’s house this summer? It was Nothing but cleaning and drinking green tea and eating angel cake and waking up at 6:00 every morning to go to church! It's the same every year! My mom made me so mad that I didn't even play our famous game that we been playing for years called “Zip.” The game is about how many horses you can find, and if you found one then you say “Zip!” And however many horses you find you can win, but if someone sees a graveyard or a field, then they can bury your Zips, and you'll be back at zero. I sighed and thought about all the boring things that were gonna happen while I spent 104 days of my summer at my grandma's house.

I really hate going to my grandma’s house, but here I was going to my grandma’s house.

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